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○■ 「漫画・アニメ」 テゴリの最... “Cartoon animation” category “waiting, up-to-date article March end animation general that 2 March end animation general that 1 “that summer the [shiyana] � of [ru]” last time [sutoraikuuitsuchizu] theater edition 灼 eye (the final)” the last time
○■ “From k tie up-to-date article April 27th of blog” category (gold) [bu] and coming April 26th (wood) [bu] and coming April 25th (water) [bu] and coming April 24th (fire) [bu] and coming April 23rd (month) [bu] and coming
○■ という訳で各作品 感想です... With it is thought of each work with the meaning which is said
○■ * It kicks off to Milky W ay!! After, 3 story Saturday looking at the video recording of the [niyaru] child in morning continuing, when you see, that thinking, whether “demon of the triplet” probably is [paro] “of demon of the twins” of [ideon], it is troubled, a liberal translation
○■ When 07:36 from keitai we b you see after a long time, the plain gauze Keen empty and the iris you have graduated! The reason which Friday does not stay in specification it was not, don't you think? is…
○■ 02:24:14 アクセル・. .. 02:24: While reading 14 accelerators world, drowsiness waiting time
○■ Because (the dragon and t he hero lovely my 2 volumes which do not have the [ge] are already bought) being the enormously good place, ended the accelerator world, the continuation becoming matter of concern, it is helpless
○■ 相手の弱点(1) (2)力を... The weak point of the partner (1) sound (2) power is being poured into the motorcycle
○■ When we want the accelera tion time like the accelerator world of [ranobe] even, you can think, don't you think? probably will be
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
○■ そういえばオオカ さんは先行放... So, if you said, the wolf had preceding broadcast, but, a liberal translation
○■ [Title] we younger sister is and sells so lovely 10 volumes which is not reason [the publisher] ASCII [medeiawakusu] [sale day] 4/10 [benefit 1] the illustration card ([animeito]) [benefit 2] the original slim poster ([gemazu]) [benefit 3] the specially made guidebook (2 types) (lightning library fair) (with and others the hole) [benefit 4] the post card (wondergoo) we younger sister so lovely 10 there is no reason (the lightning library [hu] 8-15) the posted with amazlet at 12.04.07 Fushimi handle ASCII [medeiawakusu] (2012-04-10), ranking: You look at details with 1
○■ 4月7日の感想
「 アクセル... Thought “accelerator April 7th world” “zetman” “summer color [kiseki]” “fairy tail”, a liberal translation
○■ さて、明日は六時 社なので、... Well, because tomorrow six o'clock is going to work, you sleep, go to bed
○■ The accelerator world it is funny! The ∩ (the ^ω^∩ [haruyuki] calling [tsu] black snow princess favorite the [a] well the [a
○■ アクセル・ワール 〈4〉―蒼... The accelerator world <4> - it is green the flight (lightning library) writer to the sky: Kawahara gravel publisher/manufacturer: [asukimedeiawakusu] sale day: 2010/02/10 media: The library oh, also this cover just a little
○■ まぁ、電車で読む つぶしがない... Unless well, there is the spare time crushing which is read by the streetcar, don't you think? the can where work desire does not grow
○■ Because it seems that can choose the guidebook of the lightning library, that and others at the hole it purchases, accelerator world 4 is green flight to the sky, with the comic 3 volumes
○■ 俺には小説を買う としか出来... Only buying the novel it is possible in we, however is, a liberal translation
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