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○■ Accelerator world (7 volu mes)
○■ という訳で新しくe -amus... With e-amusement pass was made newly with the meaning which is said
○■ Gradually while the dress ing up of early summer feeling, [ranoberebiyu] of the thing spring
○■ さくら荘来たら嬉 いんだけど... When Sakura 荘 it comes, it is delightful, but it is,, a liberal translation
○■ 『黒子のバスケ』 zetma... 'The [basuke]' 'zetman' 'margin [ku] [ma] coffee' of Kurosu's is video recording schedule
○■ As for the “accelerator world” about 2 weeks ago having reserved reached today, it is
○■ とりあえず主人公 女の子です... Temporarily the protagonist is the girl
○■ So, if you said, the wolf had preceding broadcast, but, a liberal translation
○■ Temporarily the video rec ording ♪ * Saintly fighting loyal retainer star arrow ω★ space sibling* Home playback Japanese former times it is not* Fragment of 緋 color* You me, a liberal translation
○■ Silver soul end [wa] [tsu ] [chi] [ya] [u] is sad
○■ 俺は声フェチなの 声には敏感... Because we is voice [huechi], it is sensitive to voice
○■ Temporarily, writing to t he bulletin board, it is declared even in the street stall signboard, it is, but for the present coming, increase the negotiation it is
○■ そろそろ初夏の装 も感じつつ... Gradually while the dressing up of early summer feeling, [ranoberebiyu] of the thing spring
○■ This is the pleasure, the desire which lives was possible,, a liberal translation
○■ 【アクセルワール 04】(... (Library)
○■ “Floating bridge Kawaha ra gravel lightning library “sawed art online 7 [mazazu] of accelerator world 5 star shadows” [rozario]” Kawahara gravel lightning library, a liberal translation
○■ tweet check... tweet check
○■ When [ranobe] you read, w hen the [te], animation you see without the animation seeing [re] the game it was not possible and when the [te], the game it does, [ranobe] the air which cannot be read did
○■ アクセル・ワール 〈8〉運命の... Accelerator world <8> binary star of destiny (lightning library), a liberal translation
○■ Temporarily introduction of [kiyara] ending, from now on! With being about to say, it ended
○■ タグ: 感想 ライ ノベル... Tag: Thought light/write novel lightning library accelerator world, a liberal translation
○■ The accelerator world < ;4> - it is green the flight (lightning library) writer to the sky: Kawahara gravel publisher/manufacturer: [asukimedeiawakusu] sale day: 2010/02/10 media: The library oh, also this cover just a little
○■ さて、明日からま 仕事です... Well, it is and work from tomorrow
○■ The door plate of the acc elerator world it receives the clear file of we younger sister, from the one which this day meets, the thing, a liberal translation
○■ アクセル・ワール に負けない... The extent which is not defeated to the accelerator world with the funny work, you read at a stroke (the ' Ω `) the b [sodoato] online, a liberal translation
○■ アクセル・ワールド
○■ These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ satesate �� konnich iha korekara konpue^su wo dokuha shitekimasuka ������
○■ �� bakumatsu mahou samurai �� no kansou desuga
○■ mae no kiji deno shouse tsu no hanashi