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○■ ==============... ======= ============ this winter, as for the pot which we would like to eat which? > > As for poll result of everyone!? To be harsh the [tsu] [te] body grows [hokahoka] ♪ kim chee pot vigor! Densely pot now, the Calais pot of the fashion! Color it is it can enjoy the tool material, oden pot in addition
○■ ブログネタ:鍋の めと言えば... [buroguneta]: If you mention tightening the pot, the rice and vegetable porridge? Noodles? Chinese noodles? In the midst of participation, a liberal translation
○■ This winter being fixed, [ru] pot soup until now, “soup you buy, how it is wasted, make time well you are by your?”, however with it is to have boasted
○■ ブログネタ:鍋は う食べた?... [buroguneta]: You ate the pot already? While participating the pot you ate, the ~! Because the pot [tsu] [te] body and the room are warmed, it is good, don't you think? there is also a ~ variation and, you can eat also the vegetable fully and, a liberal translation
○■ 今日の晩ご飯は、 マト鍋にしよ... The present late boiled rice, saying, that don't you think? it will make the tomato pot, however it hurt, urgently became such a menu
○■ The tomato pot… being t asty, large even in the [tsu] which is satisfactory being popular, this winter frequency of appearance may increase, is, a liberal translation
○■ セブンネットショ ピング鍋特集... Seven net shopping pot special edition!
○■ トマト鍋初挑戦の にも食べやす... Because it is the small pot which it is easy to eat even to how tomato pot first to challenge
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