- In addition Ozawa maneuvering
http://k-muta.cocolog-nifty.com/y_nakatani/2010/07/post-84bb.html The new member who is supported with Ozawa main leadership was defeated excluding Hokkaido and Gifu O membro novo que é suportado com liderança principal de Ozawa foi derrotado com exclusão do Hokkaido e do Gifu
- The Democratic party new executive committee it is decided, (each company editorial)
http://87493296.at.webry.info/201006/article_5.html Because there not to be a weight, Ozawa, assembly household and the ability which collects the intraparty various opinions which the [yu] are done is required Porque lá para não estar a um peso, Ozawa, o agregado familiar do conjunto e a habilidade que coleta as várias opiniões intraparty que [yu] são feitos são exigidos
- Political and economic affairs news to informal decision! 52 times (10/6/7)
http://ameblo.jp/henbito/entry-10554485256.html As for Ozawa “菅 you lowered and” with you began the speech and behavior which comes off Quanto para a Ozawa “菅 você abaixou e” com você começou o discurso e o comportamento que vem fora
- 日本人の為のテレビが隠しそうなニュース 12/11
http://ameblo.jp/mousou2007/entry-10409078138.html Ozawa leading 140 super party post members of the Diet, we have visited to China from the same day, assembly of in one's absence may call guess Ozawa que conduz 140 membros super do borne do partido da dieta, nós visitamos a China do mesmo dia, conjunto em sua ausência podemos chamar a suposição
Yoshito Sengoku administrative reform minister, Politics ,