0 .
○■ This time, because presen t administration cannot be supported, you intend probably to go to poll in reference the below-mentioned information as a non party layer
○■ As for Ozawa's under the Hatoyama administration, Democratic party majority enthusiasm, it is found well here that it has become without anymore
○■ Verification of income an d outgo is the person of accounting
○■ The new member who is sup ported with Ozawa main leadership was defeated excluding Hokkaido and Gifu
○■ Before, their world views , it presses for House of Councillors selection to the social image which aims, thinks of the whereabouts of the Democratic party
○■ As for secretariat Direct or 仙 valley Yosito the Democratic party the manifest (administration pledge) with concerning putting out the lowest guarantee annuity of month amount 70,000 Yen in press conference of 29th morning, in regard to the pension scheme “at that point in time 70,000 Yen with relationship such as the revenue source desirable and proper kana you wrote with the judgment, but also in the future that rising, can partly due to the fact that a lower amount is set”, that you expressed, the system you made the thought of designing clear not to adhere to 70,000 Yen
○■ The Democratic party bein g officers' meeting of the same day and night, verifies such policy, but intraparty also the voice which questions the responsibility of the executive committee is strong
○■ It is necessary also for the way of the National Diet kind of management which depends on “the power of number,” neglects deliberation to take a second look
○■ Straying and the [hu] of the Democratic party are and are the destination was lost for the sake of, it probably means that support of the time before returned,
○■ But to tell the truth, es sential “it is deep, 叡 Satoshi” noway useless seems
○■ It made with 仙 valley Y osito “easygoing conception”
○■ That has appeared current state
○■ 仙谷由人
○■ 菅 Already, has informal ly decided the appointment of 仙 valley Yosito national strategy charge phase in secretariat director
○■ But, the 仙 valley, seco ndary financial affairs phase before the branch field both person and Noda Yosihiko is critical in Ozawa's party management
○■ The new administration wh ich starts on the 8th, in annual expenditure control and tax increase such as secretariat Director and Noda Yosihiko financial affairs phase 仙 valley Yosito set the principal Cabinet minister with the positive talent
○■ 20,091,112 Fujii Yasuhisa financial affairs phase on the 11th, with 10 compilation of the budget, made the thought of releasing the circumstance of the assessment by the financial affairs ministry on Internet clear
○■ In addition, the branch f ield person the 5th night, at the prime minister official residence in press corps, concerning the role of the self “policy of the Democratic party to be divided into the voter would like to put out characteristic to conveying easily”, you said
○■ Ozawa being, we should ex plain in the lowest political ethical examination meeting concerning the problem of the self
Yoshito Sengoku administrative reform minister,