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○■ なぜピクシア5じ ないかと... Why, that when you say whether there is no [pikushia] 5, because I am not good being attached to the efficiency of 5, with the shank, it is,, a liberal translation
○■ そういえばふと思 たんですけど... So, if you said, you thought suddenly, however it is, the sibling being it is many inside [teiruzu] [tsu] [te] pt, is, don't you think?
○■ The Defense Department of old Soviet [morudoba] in order that on the 19th, the new model influenza a type which has become popular worldwide (h1n1) it repulses, made that the garlic and the onion are added to the meal of the soldier of the same national military clear
○■ 最近は乙女の心を れてグレイセ... Recently forgetting the heart of the maiden, it is [gureisesu] concentration
○■ さてさて――帰宅 ら結構経って... Well well - - passing well enough from returning home, it increases, but here and others purchase thing introduction ...... dvd 'conversion story' 6 volume novel 'cat story (black)' drama cd '[teiruzuobugureisesu]' 3 volume ......With, well, this becomes the items of according to of schedule sort reservation
○■ ) Even even even little f orest temple ps3 we would like to do well enough it is it is…Already the [teiruzu] coming out [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is and it is…When desire is spat out, [ekushiria] we would like to do and [vuesuperia] we would like to do and however well the good air does, but the [kiyaba] girl we would like to persuade as though the dragon with [gureisesu] and even hit and miss we would like to do Warring States and three 國 and we would like to do also [rimeiku] of ffx when and we would like to do also the star ocean, it does, [wa]!!!! You buy to birthday or Christmas present ......There is a time when truly good w you do simply, so with end of the month applying, story…(_) [a] - [a] -…It is perplexed, <- live and the game are to call hobby 23 year old [te] grief fully loaded shelf w real how make already immediately with such living of [u] ww kana - me (the ∵ `
○■ 最後に色紙を貰っ 終了... Receiving the colored paper lastly, it ends
○■ Heart of permission of hu e baht, guidance of [mariku], Pascal's irresponsible, conscientious of [sohui], selfishness of [shieria, a liberal translation
○■ ジャニーズ大運動 立ち見の... Wiki of [jiyanizu] large game standing room
○■ With being the case that it is said,… the [ze] which finally exceeds 100 level!!! … It is slow the [tsu]!!! Attendant upon that, there is also a skill which finally comes out it is, don't you think?
○■ でも、萌えてない けでも、好... So also the case that it is not sprouted being also the favorite the case that it is not being
○■ そういう訳で夏に そういうほ... Because summer [bo] of such [ho] it could put out the book with such meaning (the distant eye) recently [gureisesu] being able to start, because gradually the [sohui] image in by your deteriorated, we would like to clear quickly
○■ お勧め商品です→ テイルズ... It is the recommendation commodity, -> the [teiruzuobugureisesuneta] being discovered | [huainaruhuantaji] 7 ds | [teiruzuobugureisesurebiyu] |, a liberal translation
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