- The empty tying [chi] [yu] [ro] it does, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ibukiasahi/e/3c6bc280039779820734a25ea6a30cf2 It returns to the parents' home from now! As for goal the [ze] which is clearing [gureisesu] - ∀-* ¡Vuelve a los padres caseros de ahora en adelante! Como para la meta [ze] que es claro [gureisesu] - ∀-*
- Pulling being confined.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/starash_nemu/archives/51562752.html Yesterday [gureisesukuria] it did [Gureisesukuria] hizo ayer
- [sohui, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/sae7713/entry-10711033531.html When yesterday playing, the friend having [gureisesu], because you played a little, you drew with the impulse, \ (the ^0^)/ Al ayer jugar, el amigo que le tenía [gureisesu], porque usted jugó un poco, dibujó con, \ (del impulso de ^0^)/
- Chat
http://blog.livedoor.jp/symphony4028/archives/51642491.html Recently forgetting the heart of the maiden, it is [gureisesu] concentration Recientemente olvidando el corazón de la doncella, es concentración [del gureisesu
Graces, Video Game,