- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/developerz/entry-10711337094.html The great barrier leaf of Australia (great barrier reef) with the resort island which is, before being visited in the storm, evening of Saturday of weekend, the koala of the male “it came in the bar and the store” did 澳洲(伟大的堡礁)的伟大的障碍叶子有是,在被参观在风暴之前,星期六周末的常去之岛的,男性的考拉“它进来酒吧,并且商店”
- ニンニクとタマネギで新型インフルエンザを撃退、モルドバ軍
http://ameblo.jp/developerz/entry-10392866124.html The Defense Department of old Soviet [morudoba] in order that on the 19th, the new model influenza a type which has become popular worldwide (h1n1) it repulses, made that the garlic and the onion are added to the meal of the soldier of the same national military clear 老苏维埃[morudoba的]防御部门,为了在第19,有成为的普遍全世界的新的模型流行性感冒类型(h1n1)它击退,做那大蒜和葱增加到同一全国军事明白的战士的膳食
- 日新丸ら捕鯨船団が出航、グリーンピース発表
http://ameblo.jp/developerz/entry-10392864056.html When (part correction) the whaling fleet which does investigation whaling at the South Pole sea on the 19th, Innoshima (Hiroshima prefecture Onomichi city) of the home port verified that it departs, international protection of the environment group [gurinpisu] Japan (greenpeace jap ......The ≫ continuation is read 当(部分更正)在第19的南极海做调查捕鲸的捕鲸舰队,国内港(广岛专区Onomichi市)的Innoshima核实它离去,国际环境保护小组[gurinpisu]日本(greenpeace jap ...... ≫继续读
- 韓国人スーパーモデルのキム・ダウルさんが死亡、死因は不明
http://ameblo.jp/developerz/entry-10392865753.html [kimu] [dauru] of the South Korean fashion model which worldwide participated (daul kim) (20), Paris (paris) having died with the home apartment it was found [kimu] [dauru] (daul金)全世界参与,死与巴黎(巴黎)的家庭公寓找到的(20)南韩时装模特儿
Graces, Video Game,