- 随 [en] it collects and reads (2011 November 23 date), a liberal translation
http://z-enta.livedoor.biz/archives/52800448.html <Article pickup > * (akb48) Atuko Maeda * (akb48) Kozima positive greens: Celebration! First solo cm!! * (akb48) Mariko Sinoda: “[pu] [tsu] [chi] [yo]” new cm * (akb48) shrine 澤 佐 river à Akimoto ability adding * (akb48) team u: Ultra series first woman terrestrial defensive party!! ■not yet & French kiss * (ske48) Matsui 珠 Rina Matsui 玲 奈: It is too lovely! by finger field 莉 乃 cameraman * (sdn48) Japanese parsley 那 * Koharu [mobekimasu] & Kuju: The [tsu] [pi] which does it is, [kawai] to pass! * Be clover z * (idling!!! ) Morita cool flower & Takei 咲 * Shinozaki love: While getting injured, the movie which perseveres! * Upper door 彩: Fur of the year & Nakamura seeing [u] * Arai Megumi reason 那: The witch [tsu] it is dense! * Kato Natuki à [evuangerionreshinguchimuresukuin] * the [pa] the [po] which is done Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
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http://z-enta.livedoor.biz/archives/52789024.html : Takahashi love graduation (crying)! ■sdn48: 2012 March, everyone graduation (crying)! * (akb48) Yuuko Oshima: 23 years old birthday & life-size figure! * (akb48) Mariko Sinoda * (akb48) Kitahara village English finger field 莉 乃 ■akb48× Takashima 彩: The Japanese glasses best dresser prize ■ske48: 5 period raw (16 people), a liberal translation Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
- Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://ameblo.jp/kenichi0420/entry-10948700723.html [akb48 ske48 nmb48 age layer] (as for age as for age/the color which this year becomes team a team k team b team 4 team s team kⅱ team e team n) <25 years old> Mariko Sinoda (1.5 periods) <24 years old> Ono clear fragrance (1 periods) <23 years old> the Kozima positive greens (1 periods) Akimoto ability adding (2 periods) Yuuko Oshima (2 periods) Sawako Qin (3 periods) <22 years old> Umeda 彩 it is good (2 periods) warehouse holding Asuka (4 periods) <21 years old> the shrine 澤 佐 river (2 periods) Katayama positive adding (3 periods) Oya true 那 (1 periods) <20 years old> Itano friend beauty (1 periods) Atuko Maeda (1 periods) the Takahashi everyone seeing(1 periods) Kawanishi Satoshi beauty (2 periods) the Masuda possession bloom (2 periods) Yuki Kasiwagi (3 periods) expert will Tsu Kaori (4 periods) Kitahara village England (5 periods) the Takajo sub- tree (6 periods) Matsui 玲 奈 (1 periods) Takayanagi discernment sound (2 periods) 須 rice field sub- Kaori (3 periods) <19 years old> 峯 bank everyone you see, (1 periods) flat 嶋 summer the sea (1 periods) relations river far fragrance (3 periods) the finger field 莉 乃 (5 periods) Nitou 萌 乃 (5 periods) Mina Ooba (9 periods) Shimada clear fragrance(9 periods) Yokoyama reason depending %, a liberal translation Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
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http://ameblo.jp/toueri/entry-10905675472.html <3rd akb48 general election bulletin result > 1st rank akb48 team k Oshima Yuuko 17,156 vote 2nd rank akb48 team a Maeda Atuko 16,452 vote 3rd rank akb48 team b Kasiwagi Yuki 12,056 vote 4th rank akb48 team a Takahashi everyone seeing 8833 vote 5th rank akb48 team b Watanabe flax friend 8582 vote 6th rank akb48 team a Sinoda Mariko 8016 vote 7th rank akb48 team a finger field 莉 乃 friend beauty 6596 vote 9th rank ske48 team s Matsui 7357 vote 8th rank akb48 team k Itano 玲 奈 6559 vote 10th rank akb48 team a Kozima positive greens 6534 votes Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
SKE48, Entertainment, Music,