- 国民の敵!彼らが国民が選んだ政権を転覆させようと行動している!
This green, a loyal henchman, but a few, have published a book written with the green up, the young members of the Democratic incumbent, District 21 in Tokyo (Tachikawa others) out of the The Nagashima Akihisa (Oh come Hisa sink) is 这绿色,忠实的亲信,但也有少数,已发表与绿化写一本书,现任的民主党,在东京21区(立他人的年轻成员)的实际在长岛昭寿(哦来弥接收器)是
- 事業仕分けとブレる鳩
But Democratic politicians and has been listed divergence 但民主党政治家和已列入分歧
- 国民を欺く財務省役人と其れに操られる?”事業仕分け人”此じゃ茶番劇だ!!(事業仕分けで極秘マニュ
And or Shiteyatsu! ! After all, this is something about Democratic politicians would have been considered and it 与或Shiteyatsu! ! “毕竟,这是对民主的政治家一些”会被认为,这
Yukio Edano, Politics ,