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○■ しかも小野さんの 声をオプシ... Furthermore buying Ono sound with option, the form which has set was rather doubtful to seem, “as for that Nabi setting being troublesome so?”With it is said and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is the [ri, a liberal translation
○■ (ハモリがあるの コチラ... (As for being [hamori] [kochira]), a liberal translation
○■ Singing, because with tha t, you make all feelings and scene and everything remember of that time, it is cute, don't you think?
○■ a子:「今年7月く らいに、森ガ... a child: “Don't you think? in about the July this year, it is the Mori girl like, that it has been said from the person of the company”, the b child: “The Mori girl [tsu] [te] you did not know until now, is, but I “would like to be in the forest,” don't you think? always there is [tsu] [te] wish”, a liberal translation
○■ みたいな格好が好 です... We like the like appearance, a liberal translation
○■ How, but the expression w hich ardently is not without << i love you becomes the ash >> with, something comes with [kiyun]* The [ri] which it mentions the heartstrings of [hoshiko] and sows
○■ とにかく、10回 上はいったの... In any case, 10 times or more it entered, is
○■ With being the case that it is said, I who finally now excessively become not be able to react in only [bokaro] pass
○■ で、森ガールをあ らめた私は... So, I who abandon the Mori girl browsed 'in order to buy outer it has been recorded before soup' to earth music & ecology, a liberal translation
○■ おはようございま 週末は嬉しい... Good morning the weekend when it is there to be a delightful thing, there to be a pleasant thing, the air which shoots the happy aura to [munmun] does now when it is happiness full then, it is introduction of the lunch - it is 'the Mori girl' Mori girl pickled plums rice ball which wears the beret, the making thin cartridge, the laver, the lunch seat, the boiling of the shiitake to attach, because as for the Mori girl whom [bu] [bu] hail I represent the hair has applied dry the [tsu] and the wave, being able to meet, making the forelock leap, you attached the movement, a liberal translation
○■ Also the show biz celebri ty of that topic doing [burogu], the [ru]!? As for [ohuishiyaruburogu] register desired one this/amoeba member register (no charge! )
○■ 「これは、ワタシ 紡げと言って... “As for this, saying that spin in [watashi], the [ru] it is with the shank?”It tried making the thread for haapsalu lace with to the thing which is said
○■ var so = new swfobject (r cflash09, 365, 200 and 8, #ffffff); so.addparam (allowscriptaccess and always); so.addparam (wmode and opaque); so.write (rcflash09);
○■ 2010年03月 ( 194... 201 0 March (194) 2010 February (153) 2010 January (205) 2009 December (284) 2009 November (183) 2009 October (290) 2009 September (208) 2009 August (261) 2009 July (271) 2009 June (254) 2009 May (311) 2009 April (197) 2009 March (176) 2009 February (176) 2009 January (203) 2008 December (131) 2008 November (99) 2008 October (112) 2008 September (140) 2008 August (96) 2008 July (119) 2008 June (148) 2008 May (115) 2008 April (56) 2008 March (62) 2008 February (59) 2008 January (70)
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