- No Title, a liberal translation
http://b38.chip.jp/voyager1992/blog/view.php?cn=0&tnum=894 With being the case that it is said, cold it pulled, but being the cold which accompanies the nausea, it is the lowest condition, but [pokari] you bought and it perseveres with top secret and increases, a liberal translation 使用是实际情形它拉扯的说,寒冷,但是伴随恶心的寒冷,它是最低的情况,但是[pokari]您买了,并且它坚持与最高机密并且增加
- Pass in several days which, in lever frame personality change…
http://yaplog.jp/bootsey/archive/1488 With being the case that it is said, recent times condition probably will record (reflection has not done awfully) 使用是实际情形说,最近时期它将可怕地大概记录它未做)的情况, (至于为反射
- weblog title
http://deathrhapsody.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/115/ With being the case that it is said, I who finally now excessively become not be able to react in only [bokaro] pass 使用是实际情形说,在的I [仅bokaro]通行证过分地最后现在成为不能起反应
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/kaden2in/entry-10501240226.html With being the case that it is said, it tried participating 使用是实际情形说,它设法参与
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