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○■ →著者は「少しヒ な部署に異... -> The author “when changing in a little free post, being favored by the opportunity which reads the book, was exactly good timing”, you say
○■ コメント投稿
コメ ント記入欄を... The comment contribution comment entry column is indicated in, please push the below-mentioned button, a liberal translation
○■ Temporarily next month th e nail of work we would like to put emphasis to [kitsuchiri] and accuracy,, a liberal translation
○■ そもそもマインド ップというの... In the first place mind map, visual, intuitively know, the right brain, is the note technique where such a word becomes keyword, a liberal translation
○■ 「なんでもない日 〜ブログ版... When “the everyday - [burogu] edition which regardless is not -” up-to-date article perplexity of category occurs, coping method Matsuura @ Kashima shrine joy and anger grief and happiness why reception denial!? As for the stick ahead does not tumble necessity?
○■ というよりも、認 を受けるた... Rather than with saying, in order to receive recognition, unless it enters into [buzan] education association, it is to be useless, but because with special care it entered, in order to be able to contribute to the gist even, we would like to keep doing,, a liberal translation
○■ 先日読んだ、本田 之さんの「... Some days ago you read, it tried scratching the work that with the mind map Naoyuki Honda in it probably will make his own “tag list” which appears “personal marketing”,
○■ あと何枚かマイン マップをか... Rear several mind maps are scratched, you think, but you think that it changes in various ways, that and, steadily it keeps becoming good!
○■ ちなみに私がマイ ドマップを教... By the way, as for I teaching the mind map Sakiko Yamaguchi
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