- Beauty promontory glory Ichiro free note technique lecture (2010/3/29) @ new circular building, a liberal translation
http://vientosur.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/2010329-ab6e.html Because notification of the beauty promontory was in daytime, as yourself who is applied to the company return “there is no another being less crowded, probably will be,…” with it is to think, but coming to the point of being able to participate it is surprise Porque a notificação do promontório da beleza estava no dia, porque você mesmo que é aplicado ao retorno da companhia “não está nenhum outro que está sendo aglomerado menos, provavelmente seja,…” com ele é pensar, mas vir ao ponto de poder participar ele é surpresa
- (2nd later) it writes out.
http://ameblo.jp/yurin87/entry-10529002016.html What you think that by his would like to do, being remembered, O que você pensa aquele por seu gostaria de fazer, sendo recordado,
- Commencement of work.
http://ameblo.jp/d-taku/entry-10429957234.html By his being serious, you settle to the work which loads, furthermore the same generation who has been complete because very it is not, thinks to be whether, with,, a liberal translation Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- 11月7日のつぶやき
http://shingaku.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/117-a7f2.html You think that the current style which trains the pupil of little number of people thoroughly is agreeable by his, Você pensa que o estilo atual que treina a pupila de pouco número de povos é completamente agradável por seu,
- あっぱれ習慣ライブ(^_-)-☆ 開催します!
http://ameblo.jp/nakagawa-office/entry-10325215845.html You think tend that it is not possible to yourself,, a liberal translation Você pensa tende que não é possível a o senhor mesmo,
Mind mapping, Business,