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○■ この辺りの道は複 な分岐をす... The road around this in order to diverge in a complicated way, is about to be easy to be perplexed
○■ In at this typhoon, the v arious trees were damaged to damage, but it seems that either [rakuushiyou] is not exception
○■ お金を払うぐらい ったらその... When it is the extent which pays the money because [norido] - with also the people who are said are few with the field [tsu] [pa] of there, don't you think?
○■ 藤沢市鵠沼石上1-5- 17 や... City 鵠 swamp Isigami Fujisawa 1-5-17 stopping 鵠 swamp building 2 floor, a liberal translation
○■ It is advanced to around Chigasaki favorably and the fungus is entering the 鵠 swamp seashore large procrastination, a liberal translation
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
○■ National highway one it t ries aiming toward the bridge of the line, but, one either the road which faces to the line altogether not to advance with large procrastination,
○■ 今朝は5時過ぎに 床!ゆっくり... Now morning past 5 o'clock wake-up! Slow preparing, to the seashore, a liberal translation
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