- New Tayama's present condition
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zosantsatoj/e/89bd6c9890349c66f5156b09107c9211 And, the result of the latest east Japanese large earthquake disaster, also the name, “orange hillock” newly joined, a liberal translation E, o resultado do grande disastre japonês do leste o mais atrasado do terremoto, também o nome, “hillock alaranjado” juntado recentemente
- The Shonan 鵠 swamp seashore “and the firewood house” “it mixes, side (oil side)” other things, a liberal translation
http://hota-papa.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-11-15-1 On that the “vinegar”, adding the “Ra oil” and “the garlic” etc with the taste, you adjust taste, a liberal translation Nisso o “vinagre”, adicionando do “o óleo Ra” e “o alho” etc. com o gosto, você ajusta o gosto
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/golden-moment/entry-10577152317.html And “the float it is, to be, this, while to do the gesture where the upper body may” with the teacher of the cartoonist turns the manuscript, small it performed E “o flutuador que é, para ser, isto, quando fazer o gesto onde o corpo superior pode” com o professor do desenhador de desenhos animados girar o manuscrito, pequeno ele executou
kugenuma, Locality,