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○■ その理由はもしも� ��リスト教徒た... Because if the Christ followers increase too much, when the Japanese religion market is destroyed, large portion of the citizen feels the reason vaguely, is
○■ But” as for such writin g out, no degree like the sutra the subject which tells, that as for saying whether that so is true you have not heard excessively
○■ バブル経済の崩壊� ��ら日本が20... The time when Japan lets escape 2000 Sydney Olympic participation right from collapse of bubble economy withdrew, management enterprise of each club following one another, was exposed to existence dying/fleeing crisis
○■ 「weblog」カテゴリ� ��最... As for the up-to-date article home appliance “of weblog” category as for the object of the anger which makes those where the quality which how is done is high the public official and the politician the pension scheme before the annuity reserve funds collapse sun/size which goes out, a liberal translation
○■ The acquaintance doing th e reform company of the roof of the residence, hurting, came to the point of working there, a liberal translation
○■ その陰で、アメリ� ��が揺らいで... With that shade, America is fluctuating
○■ The recovery of... The re covery of global economy in 2010 could not be guaranteed, because the massive public investment injected into financial sectors has generated lots of bubbles and the director-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO) said ON Friday. The recession has reached the bottom but a quick resilience was not evident and Pascal Lamy said ON French radio France culture. Large amount of public fund used to salvage the economic system has meanwhile fostered economic bubbles that need to b… As for this, in large-scale public investment and the financial sector, as for the Bureau Chief, because the international trade system (WTO) the general bubble occurs many, it made clear that recovery of the world economy 2010 was filled is not guaranteed
○■ Bubble economic cheerful time and the s13 sill beer etc, everyone overstraining with the wheel of the car, installing is the wheel of [boruku
○■ バブル経済崩壊の� ��響も大きか... Also influence of bubble economic collapse was large
○■ But, profit provision to the professional trouble-maker at shareholders meeting to be detected in 97, with President Atuo Miki taking responsibility resignation
○■ しかし、まったく� ��褪せていませ... But, completely it is not faded, a liberal translation
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