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○■ シャドーボーイ
○■ コンサート前に学 へ行き、... Before the concert to school going,, a liberal translation
○■ With well everyone laughi ng in such a story, it increased
○■ ちなみに過去の初 売上は‥‥... By the way past initial motion sale., a liberal translation
○■ ” Saint “see! Laughin g” benevolence “and the [tsu] [pa], you see, a liberal translation
○■ とか言いながら午 全部寝てた... While with saying, in the afternoon entirely you sleep!!! Truth!!!, a liberal translation
○■ At that time turtle pear, it is the [tsu], saint appearance to main stage
○■ しかも、二人で『 夜中のシャ... Furthermore, 'the shadow boy of midnight' you sang with two people, a liberal translation
○■ After, “the [do] [ke], it is dense and others” of saintly solo first day ⇒ “you, the [do] [ke]”, the second day ⇒ “[do] [ke], it is dense and others”, a liberal translation
○■ 「サプライズ」の 中継... Live broadcast “of [sapuraizu]”
○■ mc [tsu] [te] advertiseme nt of kat-tun soul the [tsu] was
○■ その名も、ジャpa ーズハイ... The name, the [jiya] pa needs high school (藪) and, the next does this part which I 2004 did
○■ Although it is first day, all right!? Like ww, a liberal translation
○■ しかも手の形ww 小銭を指す... Furthermore it seems that points to the shape www change of the hand
○■ hey! say! As for jump inf ormation →heart of glass (always new news item full load such as report!) <- As for new information of jump please utilize this
○■ web拍手を送る
↑↑ 非公開... The ♪ which can transmit the ↑↑ secret comment which sends web applause, a liberal translation