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○■ 「はい、4歳から 台なので、... “To be, because it is Sendai from 4 years old, that young teacher so saying, perhaps, doing that asked whether it is possible to call the Sendai human,” whether it is the Sendai one,
○■ ☆9月16日(水)
静岡... * September 16th (the water) the @ Shizuoka uhuuhu third anniversary party “my earthworm [ku] it flies?”open 18:00/START 18:30 ticket ¥3000 (drinking at will) ☆9/18 (gold) @ Shizuoka uhu zill club vol.30 one-man live the concert of the people, by the people and for
○■ 25年目にして、初 ての事だ... To a 25th year, it is new thing, so, the authorized personnel and the citizen, [gatsukari] of the sightseer the circumstances which are done were broadcast
○■ 定禅寺通を西へ西 と歩いてい... When to west it keeps walking the fixed zen buddhism temple to west, there was a place where the reporting authorized personnel gets together, a liberal translation
○■ ありがとうござい す(≧▽≦... Thank you, (the ≧▽≦) the [u] it is, cune it is good, don't you think? ♪← private story
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