- , a liberal translation
http://yotayota515.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-911c.html It means that it was the intention that when “you want to take the place where the relations 2 are good”, but you think that it has succeeded enormously, Es bedeutet, dass es die Absicht war, denken die, wenn „Sie den Platz nehmen möchten in dem die Relationen 2 sind gut“, aber, Sie, dass es enorm gefolgt hat,
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://yotayota515.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-c63a.html In the delicate expression, “good taste”, sending the air extremely, it is to think the [ru], but as even then, mentioned the imperial wrath of the akb48 fan, the [yu] is to see, the comment field of [burogu] immediately after the broadcasting being devastated between brief, had become enormous thing, a liberal translation Im empfindlichen Ausdruck „der gute Geschmack“, die Luft extrem sendend, ist es, zu denken [ru], aber, wie sogar dann, den imperialen Zorn des Ventilators akb48 erwähnte, [yu] ist, das Kommentarfeld zu sehen [burogu] sofort nach der Sendung, die zwischen Schriftsatz verheerend ist, hatte gewordene enorme Sache
- Über „im Stadtzentrum gelegenes DX“ Leistung ℃Ute Yajima tanzen Sie Schönheit
http://dragonlucky.at.webry.info/201101/article_12.html “Such a beauty hurt”, the [tsu] [te], being surprised, the better seed „Solch eine Schönheits-Schmerzen“, [tsu] [te], überraschend, der bessere Samen
- “You live”, that say.
http://usachanpeace.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/post-2c25.html The word that “it is tasty”, the fact that it reaches the point where it is used in the sense the present way is this time, a liberal translation Das Wort, das „es“ geschmackvoll ist, die Tatsache, dass es den Punkt erreicht, in dem es in der Richtung die anwesende Weise verwendet wird, ist dieses mal
- Rabbit pieces tonight # 147 (2009 August 26 broadcast day)
http://usachanpeace.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/1472009826-308a.html “The [a], as for this rather than seeing with the television, and [tsu] [pa] raw most the shelf” [tsu] [te] as for the fact that you say, the enormous thinking better seed, a liberal translation „[A], was dieses eher als, sehend mit dem Fernsehen und [tsu] [PA] rohes meiste anbetrifft das Regal“ [tsu] [te] was die Tatsache anbetrifft, dass Sie sagen, der enorme denkende bessere Samen
Michishige Sayumi, Entertainment, Music,