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○■ 菅谷梨沙子:初め 唇を重ねた夜... Sugaya pear sand child: For the first time, the night when the lip is piled up as for being able to sing Matsuura of age after here and others side song you think that is just the member who extremely is limited, a liberal translation
○■ The Tanaka [re] it is: Th e ~ which would like to meet to forever~ you cling stopping being, it is feeling, but the part where it becomes matter of concern being the tune which this person desires? Recently performing to “the paradise of song,” when it is the influence, because it becomes new ground, there is no problem
○■ 来週もあなたのハ トにうさちゃ... Next week in your heart the [u], the piece! Cripes the [yu] it is to see
○■ 伊藤綾美の優勝を 止できるのは... As for being able to obstruct the victory of Itoh twill beauty your one vote, a liberal translation
○■ At the time of present wo rk return high school the byte it has done the son ↑ of the store manager of the Chinese noodles house (as for the son as for the store manager the mother of the son is perhaps on four years old than we [tsu] [chi]) in that person the locust [ri] to meet, (we [tsu] [chi] you did not become aware) however, the [chi] [yo] to be, it stood and speaking and coming to meeting in the store manager who the [te] ~ just a little said delightful thing, and it was said as for we [tsu] [chi] perhaps who? When you say that with it is said, the [tsu] [te] which all right immediately understands it has changed at all, as for the notion that where the potato with it was said, the ↓ which does not change excessively from at the time of we [tsu] [chi] high school the ~ which is visible even now young? Selfishly so it is [repo] from such a thing of the ~ which is thought, the morning daughter where we [tsu] [chi] participates
○■ 中島早貴:トウモ コシと空と風... Nakajima it is quick your: The corn and the sky and wind inclination received ww which we one does making increase pleasantly,
○■ Something “urgent busin ess kana”, something “something it occurred kana it comes out of the thought [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u], without fail in the mother,” however it is, something, “now spare time?”Enormous truly with suitable thing something, as for the telephone of the older sister such being many, the shank
○■ でも、それも、あ 、本番は全部... So, that, that, production entirely was all right, however it is, the rehearsal the lyric is just a little flying is the [tsu] entirely the [ri] melting, already the next production. The [a], as for the next of the rehearsal although immediately it is the production, the lyric without coming out entirely and/or melting, however well enough, is just a [mero], a [mero] entirely does not come out and the [te], [yaba] is and with thinks, the lyric does not come out truly, we would like to fall ill the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te], well, it was slump state, it is however, with, as for “only you” as for [riha] although it was all right, and the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] you want it is with the production
○■ de �� de �� dem o �� tanoshi kuyatterukedo �� yappari �� ano �� yappadokkade tabeta itteiu kimochi gaaruno wo osae teruwakedesukara �� nanka �� o yasumi no nichi tokani �� kuchi amai mono tabe ruto toma nnakunatte �� sugoi tabete tara ���� nichi de ����� futotta kotoarimasu
○■ ちなみに辻は育児 ために不参加... To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
○■ コンサートツアー2 011春の... Dance ~ graduate de re-formation ~ of concert tour 2011 spring [dvd]/artist obscurity
○■ With the notion that wher e you say, latest fall my participation of tour is the schedule which will become last in the Hiroshima of next week night performance
○■ そして発覚した事 が、アヤパ... And the fact which is detected, the technical change pan you stole the fixed period from the underclassman, had given to his person that
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