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○■ メイショウベルーガ
○■ ◎カワカミプリン ス
○レイン... * [kawakamipurinsesu] ○ lane dance - [betsurareia] - [torerapitsudo] - [ritoruamapora] note) [porutohuino
○■ ◎5 turn [apapane] 7th [ santemirion] ▲9 turn [meishiyouberuga] △12 turn [animeitobaio
○■ ○メイショウベル ガは、なんと... As for ○ [meishiyouberuga], how without
○■ △⑫This horse of [meis hiyouberuga] unless development faces, seriously so is to be, but there is a deciding factor and… summer with [keiba] [tsu] [te] thing, one. The mare held down
○■ 8
マーベラスサン ー
栃栗... 8 [maberasusande] 栃 chestnut Niikappu 505,585 151,173,000 2,606,431 3,023,460 0.100 1.91 2,100 1,767 [nevuabushiyon] 9 cherry tree tapir thin o deer Hayakita 79,119,808 136,951,000 1,397,459 1,733,557 0.139 1.09 1,267 1,240 [machikanehayate
○■ 6 Manhattan coffee blue d eer Chitose 1,532,632,832 547,093,000 1,667,966 3,575,771 0.170 1.19 1,618 1,745 [hansodebando, a liberal translation
○■ 4
マンハッタンカ ェ
青鹿... 4 Manhattan coffee blue deer Chitose 1,231,620,864 384,641,000 1,849,236 3,127,163 0.130 1.37 1,582 1,738 [hansodebando
○■ 4 [hurenchidepiyutei] che stnut American 655,876 176,611,000 2,030,011 2,717,092 0.077 1.71 1,800 1,650 [meishiyouberuga
○■ 1着スノーフェアリ ー
2着メイ... 1 arrival [sunohueari] 2 arrival [meishiyouberuga] 3 arrival [apapane] 4 arrival [ritoruamapora] 5 arrival [hikaruamaransasu
○■ recommendation , suggest ions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ 12
ブライアンズタ ム
黒鹿... 12 [buraianzutaimu] black deer American 751,513,920 279,906,000 2,013,712 3,732,080 0.200 1.62 0 1,620 [hurioso] 13 cherry tree tapir thin o deer Hayakita 1,271,619,968 278,417,000 1,392,085 2,192,260 0.126 0.95 1,200 1,288 [datsushiyagogo] 14 wild rush deer American 538,979 227,549,000 2,345,866 4,293,377 0.151 1.86 0 1,433 [toransendo] 15 [taikishiyatoru] chestnut American 751,213,632 226,955,000 1,668,787 3,026,067 0.160 1.31 1,600 1,450 [sawanopansa] 16 [taninogimuretsuto] deer Shizunai 1,191,019,392 219,801,000 1,132,995 1,847,067 0.084 0.80 1,500 1,700 smile jack 17 [hurenchidepiyutei] chestnut American 731,211,904 210,908,000 1,772,336 2,889,151 0.164 1.25 1,817 1,429 [meishiyouberuga, a liberal translation
○■ With 3 daily doubles in −� fixing they are 5 point buying with each sink
○■ 2着セラフィック ンプ、サン... 2 arrival [serahuitsukuronpu], [santemirion], [meishiyouberuga] and [hikaruamaransasu], [animeitobaio] and [ritoruamapora
○■ 1 arrival [meishiyouberug a] 2 arrival [oukenburusuri
○■ 競馬ファンの皆さ !こんばん... Everyone of horse racing fan! It is dense, it is, it is the [wa]! It is high prize expectation of tomorrow!
○■ Wednesday and Thursday co uld be finished to chase, in the starting running schedule horse of each race/lace which, is listed only the appealing horse of condition
○■ 東京11r青葉賞(g )... Tokyo 11r greenery prize (gⅱ)
○■ Emperor prize (spring) (g i) jaguar male *
○■ 勝つのはメイショ ベルーガで... The fact that it wins is [meishiyouberuga, a liberal translation
○■ Because today is the Nikk ei New Year cup, there it expects
○■ 今週末から有馬記 まで7週連... Now from weekend to Arima commemoration 7 weeks continual gⅰWith it becomes, from here oh with while saying it advances, to end of year Arima commemoration
○■ The suitable member appea rs in entire balancing of accounts of this year, but
○■ オウケンブルース とダノンシ... [oukenburusuri] and [danonshiyantei, a liberal translation
○■ As for [apapane] fall kee ps having peak in bloom prize the expectation… whichIt is [santemirion] and [animetobaio] and horses from forign country [sunohueari] of the same three year old horses, (`o´)
○■ まずは駅の途中ま いつも一緒... First always it is the current expression of simultaneous new Tagawa to the middle of the station
○■ More and more it is arriv al of baseball season
○■ 【登録馬:32頭 アクシオ... [akushion] 57.0 updraft 57.0 [anraibarudo] 55.0 [ikopiko] 55.0 [eashieidei] 57.0 [kiyaputentoure] 57.0 Kay eye ten gin 55.0 cosmopolitan bulk 57.0 golden main 57.0 sunrise MAX 57.0 [shiyadougeito] 57.0 three Rolls 55.0 [seiunwanda] 55.0 [daiwawairudoboa] 57.0 [teiemupurikiyua] 55.0 [toukaitoritsuku] 57.0 dream journey 57.0 [nakayamaparadaisu] 57.0 [nakayamahuesuta] 55.0 [nevuabushiyon] 57.0 [barozuhato] 57.0 [hikarukazabue] 57.0 [buenabisuta] 53.0 [huogetsutaburu] 55.0 [mainerukitsutsu] 57.0 [matsuridagotsuho] 57.0 [miyabiranberi] 57.0 [meishiyoukuoria] 57.0 [meishiyouberuga] 55.0 [montekurisuesu] 57.0 [richizakuraun] 55.0 ready rouge 53.0
○■ 4 arrivals & best member 2 arrival ○ [oukenburusuri] 1 arrival - [meishiyouberuga] 8 arrival △ smart gear 3* [purovuinajiyu] 10 arrival dream flight
○■ ⑯ブエナビスタ 3 着 (1人... ⑯[buenabisuta] 3 arrival (1 popularity) ⑫Broadcloth street 6 (2 popularity) ⑮Microcosm 14 arrival (9 popularity) ⑧[kawakamipurinsesu] 9 arrival (5 popularity) ②[meishiyouberuga] 5 arrival (6 popularity)