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○■ 宇品港につくやは けに分乗し... It is attached to the space/large house item port and riding separately to the barge, going and returning to the charter which anchors in the open sea, it is carried
○■ 今日は広島宇品の 火大会です今... Today combining the birth meeting of the father, while to do dinner cruise with Milky Way, when viewing and the fireworks rise, it raises this year when it is the fireworks festival of the Hiroshima space/large house item, a liberal translation
○■ <img height=... < i mg height=165 alt= Hiroshima. Support [purogu]: Persevering Hiroshima - the Hiroshima high speed 2 line src= width=220 border=0/> < img height=165 alt= Hiroshima. Support [purogu]: Persevering Hiroshima - the Hiroshima high speed 2 line src=, a liberal translation
○■ 今日は花火大会に ってまりま... Going to the fireworks festival, the ball it increased today, - as for the fireworks festival of the space/large house item of ♪ last week end us who are abandoned with the rain
○■ しかし 自分は 宇 の某会社で... But by his works at the certain company of the space/large house item, a liberal translation
○■ Today grateful to the ion of the parents and the space/large house item the lunch giving a feast again in just a little play, going to the just a little game corner, doing [gachiyapon] it returned! [gachiyapon], the [tsu] shank evening when [huoze] of the new rider we would like to get also the belt of course quickly, starts to exploration again! At close shrine B B bullet gathering
○■ 今日は宇品の某会 で仕事... Today works at the certain company of the space/large house item, a liberal translation
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