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○■ 2007年から2010年の ... Harvest of approximately 3 meter ton 2/3 or more decreased from 2007 in 2010
○■ In the eighties and the n ineties, as for Pakistan both parties periodic each other of violence between the sects. The level d in the group between the object and the sect which it has the money with the funnel, became mainly the scene of alternate game with Shiite Iran and Saudi Arabia of Sunni group
○■ - ブライアンMダウ ング(... - Brei un M Downing (July 21st. . u0026#39; 11) , a liberal translation
○■ 日本の新聞も震災 はじめて地... The Japanese newspaper after the earthquake disaster for the first time earthquake and the nuclear plant stopped being all over, a liberal translation
○■ When my [tsu] [te] [yu] [ u] which the friend who is in Japan sees, my [tsu] [te] [yu] [u] is as expected it probably the same for this friend to see?
○■ 今日の天気がきに ったんでに... Present weather became coming, it is with the [ya] it is
○■ The building of the desig n of the Italian human architect is made, the marble from Italy, the granite from China, from England gathering, the class act in the world such as glass and chandelier and carpet from Belgium and Saudi Arabia,, a liberal translation
○■ とりあえず菅さん 無条件で政... Temporarily being unconditional 菅, but Ozawa that, you promised with attendance in governmental 倫 making clear, in addition condition attaching, in fact the no, a liberal translation
○■ Responsibility is born th ere, the pleasant sensation, achievement impression is born in the work which is achieved with responsibility
○■ 米国の高速鉄道計 に興味を抱... Those where interest is held in the American rapid-transit railway plan are not just China
○■ Japan first half 8 minute , Okazaki which receives the pass from Endo to decide goal, the preemptive point, a liberal translation
○■ 今回の民衆革命を 機にムスリ... If influence of [musurimu] compatriot group expands the latest populace revolution to opportunity, that not only Egypt, Middle Eastern all surrounds, Israel such as Jordan, Yemen, Syria and Saudi Arabia in future very, means to have serious meaning, probably will be, a liberal translation
○■ 日本から流入した 金がドル... The fund which flows from Japan supported dollar and the American government bond, it probably means that turned to the American stocks,, a liberal translation
○■ 仲間に託し、自分 敵を押さえる... You entrust to the companion, by his holds down the enemy
○■ [masakionzamaiku] mixi co mmunity such as [masakionzamaikusukaru] tshirt shop front stock god of wealth [uinotsudo] Kawaguchi yellow pop thank you
○■ ツィッターアカウ ト
zigo... [tsuitsutaakaunto] zigokurecord (hear the whisper of real time and [masakionzamaiku]), a liberal translation
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