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○■ So, if you said, because also the Kawasima player in the world cup had decided pk entirely, this and to be able attack the enemy of the world cup in the Asian cup, the better seed
○■ In the large cliffhanger which entangles to the extended latter half, Japanese plum loyal forming of halfway participation decided [boreshiyuto] of a value lot of money, exceeded the free kick before the last scoring and accomplished 4th victory
○■ The Asian cup semifinal J apan 2-2 the Korean □ first half 0-1 the latter half 1-0 extended first half 1-0 extended latter half 0-1◇pk3-0□ long friend - Maeda ○ Honda - small shellfish * Honda, Okazaki and Koo ◎gk Kawasima fine saving persevering, samurai blue
○■ [ajiakatsupu] Japanese vs Australian game… Li goal from the long friend with the rucksack japan victory [me] [tsu] and [o] extension, it is too splendid!! And, including [ne] stating [tsu] [te] [ru] Hasebe Kawasima, participation of every player the [ho] it is with it was splendid
○■ Temporarily one time afte r doing with the practice like feeling, dividing into 2 teams using the flag, you have a match, a liberal translation
○■ The � �real time�20 11 year January 30th returns (day)
The Asian cup victory and - ��02: 30: 09
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