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そして観てません けども
○■ その後も甘い守備 突いて前田(磐田)が2得点し、岡崎は後半35分にも加点した
○■ 松井はケガ、内田 は累積警告で出場できません
○■ ザックはスピード 不足と言っていたが、こういうことだろう
○■ で、何をしている かというと寺1篭りです↓
○■ サッカーアジアカ ップ予選の北朝鮮vsイランは、0対1で
○■ We're presenting to tra nslate japanese sentences into multiple languages for multilingual communication.
○■ Having with that, rearran ging the point
○■ Well today university Rugby
○■ High viewing, thank you f or, a liberal translation
○■ But it was method of over taking that, the Jordanian game was not defeated and seeing, draw (the [te] was good)
○■ afcチャレンジカッ とその合宿が入ってます
○■ Please see the links if you are interested. Lots of talk.
○■ It offers the fresh voic es of Japanese directly.
○■ opinion piece , evaluati on / appreciation , feedback , issue .
○■ Japan 0-0 Scotland, a lib eral translation
○■ Safety returning from Ara bia and the ~, a liberal translation
○■ The soccer Asian cup is d eciding tournament start
○■ Did you find the informa tion you're looking for? This person may know the things that you want to know.
○■ It offers Japanese Topic s, Trends, Fashion and Recent News in English.
○■ This letter has translat ed into English and Japanese sentences are linked.
○■ [ajiakatsupu] Qatar game, a liberal translation
○■ The Asian cup soccer adva nces to the best 4
○■ Now winning also Saudi Ar abia, we would like to have advancing to quarterfinal game with the rear end rising
○■ When that happens, then b ecause it is player circumstance kana season off, the body the player whom you rest and the player who moves gradually, each it probably is, but it won the position dispute, with the Esuparusu supporter, was good to our Shimizu Esuparusu supporter,
○■ Mistake it does also this tournament, with own goal of the flax 也, in just before end, draws with score of the flax 也
○■ “CARE of heart” is no t, is, when, but with it is accustomed to supporting the player who has been troubled “heart feeling” even a little! Also of such a thing had been thought
○■ Soccer 2011 Asian cup Qat ar conference last preliminary round Japan - Bahrain (3 days Toyota stadium) - - the last paragraph was done, Japan and Bahrain which decide this conference participation together with a group opposed, Japan victory did with 2-0
○■ Last year, in the favor p erson junior high schoolliberal translation
○■ Soccer Japanese represent ation and good startliberal translation