- Conscience of the world, as for Japan “last stronghold”
http://ameblo.jp/bellet/entry-11078744541.html If so it is, naturally, the dress in the practical tight sleeve becomes pants type when and, you could use also the tableware temporarily, becoming, it becomes simple ones Se assim é, naturalmente, o vestido na luva apertada prática transforma-se calças datilografa quando e, você poderia usar igualmente os utensílios de mesa temporariamente, tornando-se, ele transforma-se os simples
- Disabled person ~ new culture shock ~
http://ameblo.jp/ji-ko-uk/entry-10469218982.html Temporarily, it tried walking, a liberal translation Temporariamente, tentou andar
- Did you find the information you're looking for? This person may know the things that you want to know.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/apro1943/archives/51750763.html Temporarily being unconditional 菅, but Ozawa that, you promised with attendance in governmental 倫 making clear, in addition condition attaching, in fact the no, a liberal translation Temporariamente sendo 菅 incondicional, mas Ozawa que, você prometeu com comparecimento no 倫 governamental que faz claramente, além circunstância que une, de facto o No.
Saudi Arabia, Politics , Business,