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○■ 自分を良いと思っ 下さる沢山... It is good please try thinking that it is possible to choose the partner whom you think that by his is desirable from midst of Sawayama's person thinking that by his,
○■ First you think that it r emoves the precaution of the partner and it is good starting from the place where the environment which can understand each other is made,
○■ まあ、趣味が合う いうのは良... Well, it probably is the good thing where hobby is agreeable, a liberal translation
○■ そしてプリ、とはp re
これ... And as for pre-, with pre this the meaning in advance, with of saying
○■ So so, the most distant p lace, the [tsu] [te] as for the fact that you say, (is not physical) the person where the person who with the distance is most distant closest person is middle is actual. Thinking that distance is most distant, the [ru
○■ この辺が、婚活サ トとは違う... Here, the 婚 life sight the place where it is different with something the shank [e
○■ 「優しくて人を思 やる心にあ... “Being kind, it overflowed in the heart which is bothered about the person”, that this woman who comments itself does not say word above afterwards, “me, being wrong immediately don't you think??”With adding, in it is and is, but the [u] ~ it is, so something?
○■ 「婚活セミナー高 出産を考える... “Of 婚 life seminar elderly childbirth is thought”, a liberal translation
○■ �5: 30 wake-ups later, activity logbook compilation, [burogu] contribution, mail receiving transmission and radio gymnastics, walking and weeding etc 7: Up to 50 it does, a liberal translation
○■ 気になる質問を発 しました... The question which becomes matter of concern was discovered, a liberal translation
○■ The man and woman in 婚 life carrying the digital camera, it meets in the cat coffee, learns the how to take the cat from the professional photographer “the cat is and” probably will put out popularity, is, a liberal translation
○■ 縲?讌ス螟ゥ縺ッ8 ?0譌・... 縲? 讌 [su] 螟 [u] 縺 [tsu] 8 譛? 0 譌 縲? 崕 蟄. . . 阪 [se] 繝 medicine it is. Troop aboo 縲 阪 r hairpiece 玖 [iyu] 縺 encouragement * ○ 縺 on 縲 [yu] â 繧 縲 ∝ 酔 譌 繝 generation [ri] 繧 [su] 繝 nine [ya] 繧 [tsu] 繧 medical j 逋 [ko] glowfly [i] 縺 輔 l 繧 quadrature 崕 蟄. . 邀 咲 [otsu] 譛 [o]. 袈 t-pb1 縲 Sakaki medulla 縺 generation ↓ 繧 [u] 繝 [u] 繝? Φ 繝?? 驟 The Sakai Soviet Union. 繧 emperor curtain 蟋 nine @ 縺 溘? Trouble Aichi of pickup popularity [ikemen] and romantic love game debt dispatch of the prefecture it puts out considerably, normally in you use accident insurance Nagasaki prefecture debt pain 婚 life of part remarriage of consultation Miyagi prefecture* Woman romantic love game credit liquidation fraud of the marriage broker adult/fraud damage is prevented
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