- New go-between
http://ameblo.jp/anbick/entry-10921433204.html With this one 婚 life you tried probably to redo anew Com esta vida de um 婚 você tentou provavelmente redo de novo
- The difference of direction of the man and woman and the sociological consideration regarding the gap
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gg3s1985/archives/51788243.html From this fact, as for the woman by the fact that the annual income which is calculated from the partner is reconsidered a little, it is possible to expand the width of 婚 life,”, a liberal translation Deste fato, quanto para à mulher pelo fato de que o rendimento anual que é calculado do sócio está reconsiderado um pequeno, é possível expandir a largura da vida do 婚,”
- Now, approach we recommend thing to the person where by himself has favor easy.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/cic9671/e/6c60ed44eff3ac527d358639577b390b It advises the fact that kind of how to think it is not best Recomenda o fato de que o tipo de como o pensar não é o melhor
- kon katsu saito no majime sa
http://poorie.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-02-16 Here, the 婚 life sight the place where it is different with something the shank [e Aqui, a vista da vida do 婚 o lugar onde é diferente com algo a pata [e
marriage hunting, Livelihood,