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○■ 「デジモンクロス ォーズ(時... Up-to-date article [dejimonkurosuuozu] 60th story (time run, 6th story) “[de]… “of [dejimonkurosuuozu] (the time to run and)” category [dejimonkurosuuozu] 59th story (the time to run, 5th story) “?… [dejimonkurosuuozu] 58th story (the time to run, 4th story) “superior… [dejimonkurosuuozu] 57th story (time to run, 3rd story) “[ro]… [dejimonkurosuuozu] 56th story (the time to run, 2nd story) “raw…
○■ 「こんなのがあっ の!?」っ... “It was such a!?”[tsu] [te, a liberal translation
○■ “Easily you will eat fr om that 2 morning of up-to-date article [kareraisujikiru] doctor and the hydro person of the hand cooking” category! As for opening the agitation after all taste burning morning of the big cabbage of one night drying fixed food angular cutting of the whistle product barracuda Western food group? Japanese food group?
○■ 買い物に行き送っ 下さったの... It goes to shopping and it is the impression appreciation which is sending, a liberal translation
○■ 帰りはあちこちの に、冷やか... As for the return at the store of here and there, you stopped with teasing, a liberal translation
○■ After a long time because it came to the taste burning house with 3 people, at the house toasting with the beer which cannot be drunk and coming it burnt
○■ ホテル近くのzamzam ス... To carry back at the hotel nearby zamzam restaurant, because the group of the Chinese sightseer burning side had ordered what in large quantities, while being disgusted and the kana where [ya] time is required, with thinking, when it orders [murutaba], in several minutes completion
○■ =================== the J apanese pancake and the rammer to burn, either one the favorite? > > As for poll result of everyone!? Japanese pancake rammer burning, a liberal translation
○■ 2つのバナーにクリ ック(応援... When click ([pochiri] of support) you do in two banners
○■ It is good to the pub, the taste of the yam to burn and” we like, finding with the station of the road before this, you bought the yam for the first time with life, a liberal translation
○■ さて、今日明日は 務上の都... Well, present tomorrow with circumstances with respect to business at noon end
○■ [goma] has scattered, “ the taste to burn”, whether the [tsu] [te] for the first time, because it is agreeable with unexpected and the source, you are surprised and [chi] [ya] now do the seed -
○■ 20年目の初挑戦 す... It is the first challenge of 20th year
○■ 映画のアフレコ、 、舞台挨拶... 4 people being recorded also postrecording, song and stage greeting of the movie with main, it increases
○■ As for taste with the ram mer burning wind whose content is soft, as for the wheat flour finishing eating at the extent which is almost not felt, like the Japanese pancake as for the stomach leaning it was not
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