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○■ ちょっとした発見 あったんで... Little discovery met, it is with, a liberal translation
○■ But, just 1 heads the sup er great man is
○■ さて今週は大好き ドリームジ... Well this week favorite the dream journey aiming spring the heaven, it is appearance in the Osaka cup
○■ More and more g� season commencement of the spring (the *^^)/. : *: ゚'★. . : *: ♪ ゚'☆ [ha] ゚ [chiha] ゚ [chi, a liberal translation
○■ 【高松宮記念:本 の買い目】... Single victory 4 double victory 4 horse ream 4-1,5,7,8,10,13,14,15, a liberal translation
○■ Well, as for Takamatunomi ya the horse which has been decided is, a liberal translation
○■ ★○▲、★○△、 ▲△の3連... 3 daily doubles of ★○▲, ★○△ and ★▲△* - Wide to ★○▲
○■ * It decided with the vic tory horse of the Hankyu cup
○■ ◎9 エーシンヴァ ゴウ
○... ◎9 [eshinvuagou] 1 [eshinrijiru] ▲8 [toukaimisuteri] △14 [datsushiyagogo
○■ ○ [sankaruro] this fron t running Hankyu cup group, a liberal translation
○■ popular entrie... popular entries Sapporo 2 years old s data & expectation [supurintazu] the s data & expectation Nakayama autumn the p data & expectation
○■ In Osaka and Kobe 11r the [orenshi] ゙ tiara 2 arrivals persevered in the upgrade first game
○■ 過去5年間の連対 10頭につ... When you try seeing past concerning the connected Tsushima 10 heads of 5 years,, a liberal translation
○■ There being with a race/l ace where the horse of the hole side causes disturbance, we would like to expect to the z horse, a liberal translation
○■ 昨年は改修工事前 最終日に中... Last year in last day before the repair constructing it was held with Nakagyo “Takamatunomiya commemoration”, a liberal translation
○■ This time, as for their h er the usual way it was crowded in large quantities, a liberal translation
○■ このレースは勝ち くガチで行... As for this race/lace we would like to win, with [gachi] go, with the ogre leg of according to of jk name to be poured 2 arrivals (the ¯□¯;)It is [giyotsu] beautiful
○■ 3連複と同額で仕 んだ!... You trained with the same amount as 3 daily doubles!
○■ 1. 52 kilograms of loaf q uantity: 1 arrival 1 head 2 arrival 1 head 53 kilometers: 3 arrival 2 head 54 kilometers: 1 arrival 4 head 3 arrival 1 head 55 kilometers: 1 arrival 1 head 56 kilometers: 1 arrival 3 head 2 arrival 8 head 3 arrival 6 head 57 kilometers: 1 arrival 1 head 2 arrival 1 head 3 arrival 1 heads
○■ 高齢になっても、 落ちが少なく... Becoming advanced age, the power falling was little, controlled also the Takamatunomiya commemoration of retirement race/lace in 8 years old, a liberal translation
○■ Privately there is the re flection from NHK mile, it is the grand prix angel, but…Horse ream from march s [husaichipijiei
○■ ローレルゲレイロ 、前走の大敗... [rorerugereiro] training was not good excessively from wipeout of front running, this time won and becomes with honesty did not think in being defeated
○■ By the way entering into April, yet without hit it is the being defeated which does not have being regretful
○■ ちなみにブエナビ タは8着... By the way [buenabisuta] 8
○■ And, now more and more th e Nakagyo race track is gland opening from weekend!
○■ 阪神12r芝180 0m
高松... After the Osaka and Kobe 12r lawn 1800m Takamatunomiya commemoration the race/lace which is done
○■ Horse racing expectation support software Download edition
○■ 競馬ファンの皆さ !こんばん... Everyone of horse racing fan! It is dense, it is, it is the [wa]! It is high prize expectation of tomorrow!
○■ Fall bloom prize 1,200 0 -1,200
○■ 私の馬券、連勝と りますか・... My betting ticket, it becomes successive win or,…
Takamatsu memorial,