- Expectation of Takamatunomiya commemoration
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/masayaiburan/39581532.html 3 daily doubles of ★○▲, ★○△ and ★▲△* - Wide to ★○▲ 3 dobles diarios de ★○▲, de ★○△ y de ★▲△* - de par en par al ★○▲
- [Expectation] you aim for the pouring horse from inside, it is game with [rodokanaroa]! “Takamatunomiya commemoration” “march S”, a liberal translation
http://kaz-yama.cocolog-nifty.com/keiba/2012/03/post-6b60.html * [rodokanaroa] ○ [karenchiyan] - a thin duck man △ [tsurumarureon] * Sandal phone * ○ [del rodokanaroa] [karenchiyan] - un △ fino del hombre del pato [tsurumarureon] * teléfono de la sandalia
http://mijax.way-nifty.com/chirostation/2011/04/71i-5db4.html * [haburubaburu] ○ [derumadouruga] - [hoerukiyapuchiya] * Trend hunter △ [maruserina] △ [dansuhuantajia * ○ [del haburubaburu] [derumadouruga] - [hoerukiyapuchiya] * △ del △ del cazador de la tendencia [maruserina] [dansuhuantajia
- Japanese Letter
http://kaz-yama.cocolog-nifty.com/keiba/2010/03/post-8ca0.html * [maideiasan] ○ creel Passion - [tohouorubisu] △ [uotakuteikusu] * Civil war * pasión [maideiasan] de la cesta del ○ - △ [del tohouorubisu] [uotakuteikusu] * guerra civil
Takamatsu memorial, Gamble,