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○■ だから言い出すの 、悪くって... Therefore proposing, badly the [tsu] [te]…”, a liberal translation
○■ Simply, because, the 唯 made pull making the lottery of 800 length in beginning, in the cup of the just a little small awakening (laughing)
○■ そんな雨の朝、ぽ りと咲いて... Morning of such a rain, the [po] hanging there is a flower which has bloomed
○■ Because that is lonesome, is not
○■ その妻に「何、あ 花?」
「... In that wife “what, that flower?” “Though it is dense, receiving in graduation commemoration of the small school, it is the thing which it plants”
○■ So far, however it was in side the Suruga bay, a liberal translation
○■ これから、時間を けてさらに... From now on, spending time, you think that furthermore it is wide, and keeps learning more deeply
○■ (Scholar cooperation meet ing, you should have scratched normally it is) this honor-student association
○■ ウッドベル工房株 会社 さ... Wood bell atelier corporation, thank you, a liberal translation
○■ ちなみにこれから 告書を作... By the way, everyone other than China which draws up the report from now on, this report, are letter several restrictions which are called each every item within 500 letters, considerably are troublesome -
○■ Such a such this book
○■ そろそろchangeする ... Gradually, there is no moderate time which change is done, probably will be?, a liberal translation
○■ So also with, you bought any which are eaten securely, -!
○■ 卒業記念にはちょ ど良かった選... In graduation commemoration with exactly good selection of music shank, a liberal translation
○■ The comment contribution comment entry column is indicated in, please push the below-mentioned button, a liberal translation
○■ というわけで、私 プレゼンが、... With being the case that it is said, my [purezen], most was that is not useful in the lecturer, (laughing)
○■ ありがとうござ
ました... Thank you , a liberal translation
○■ Also the show biz celebri ty of that topic doing [burogu], the [ru]!? As for [ohuishiyaruburogu] register desired one this/amoeba member register (no charge! )
○■ 今日は次男のサッ ーの大会でし... Today was the conference of the soccer of the next man
○■ Today was the photograph taking of graduation commemoration
○■ ブログネタ:昔歌 た合唱コンク... [buroguneta]: In the midst of song participation of the chorus competition which former times is sung, a liberal translation
○■ * The browser opens newly in another window
○■ var so = new sw... var so = new swfobject (rcflash09, 365, 200 and 8, #ffffff); so.addparam (allowscriptaccess and always); so.addparam (wmode and opaque); so.write (rcflash09);
○■ 卒業記念+クリス スプレゼン... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ As for [burogu] of other everyone ↓ [kochira] ↓
○■ 中学生とかに本当 読ませてみ... The junior high school student making read truly, you thought as like
○■ [buroguneta]: Not throwin g away it has been troubled, mono? While participating the knapsack of the eldest daughter who graduates the small school in the March last year
○■ ちょっとした、卒 記念だわ(... The [wa] which is little, graduation commemoration (the top [ri]), a liberal translation
○■ After that with Gaea plug 'strikeⅲ' [aho] play, it is pleasant likely, it is pleasant, a liberal translation
○■ こんな記憶力テス 拷問や!... Such memory power test torture and!