- 6th grade graduation token
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chubu8105/e/d3b516580df70b490a64f3d6b56f84b5 Thank you , a liberal translation Danke
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/11231124/entry-10504052512.html /You question thank you with the [me],/the support encouraging/news item, a liberal translation /You-Frage danken Ihnen mit [ich], /the Unterstützung anregend/Nachricht
- Tired way
http://ameblo.jp/co-cohana/entry-10483037033.html /You question thank you with the [me],/the support encouraging/news item, a liberal translation /You-Frage danken Ihnen mit [ich], /the Unterstützung anregend/Nachricht
- ☆ off tomorrow
http://ameblo.jp/ayukawahonoka/entry-10462406329.html /You question thank you with the [me],/the support encouraging/news item, a liberal translation /You-Frage danken Ihnen mit [ich], /the Unterstützung anregend/Nachricht
Graduation, Sport, japanese culture, Education,