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○■ おそらく今期のア メの中で... Perhaps 1st 2nd being expected by in animation of the present term, the work which probably is the [ru
○■ When the previous product ion a certain magic - you did not write thought, but it had viewed, a liberal translation
○■ ではまた次回に!. .. In addition so in next time!, a liberal translation
○■ Kurosu of [jiyatsuchiment o, a liberal translation
○■ 超電磁砲=レール ン
刀鍛冶=... Even with super electromagnetic launcher = electromagnetic launcher sword smithery = black Smith… Or student council = consequence [a] - - - - orz_
○■ As for the beauty koto th ere is a difficulty in defense different from Kamijo, therefore it is, a liberal translation
○■ 相変わらずかわい ったじゃん... It was lovely it is as usual
○■ As for the hill hearing s tory, thing of the man starts becoming matter of concern
○■ 御坂とは違って黒 に関しては初... Being different from the hill, first appearance completely as for there is no strange feeling why probably is what even with [hadaka] in regard to Kurosu? This is efficiency difference of [tsundere] and the 淑 woman when with, the fact that you say…, a liberal translation
○■ But, the electromagnetic launcher is to call already entering into the head, from the [ru] the [ke] to be, because it is only animation it is seen randomly, song it is not remembered, it is, don't you think?; ; ; The [ke] to be, because is tune of up-tempo is many, you think that it can rise, it is, don't you think?
○■ レールガン1択が わらない状況... Whether in the circumstance where the electromagnetic launcher 1 択 does not change, the sword language which is not seen yet to somewhere it is funny it is decided, a liberal translation
○■ Because the index is scho ol ones but, the person of main was different,
○■ インデックスもで たっけ?レー... The [tsu] [ke] where is also the index? The electromagnetic launcher seems that is ova…
○■ The index it stopped want ing to see!
○■ やはり、カシュー の方が防御レ... After all, it probably is the result [kashiyuna] growing defense level high
○■ _ [bu] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [ ke] help question when what do be way be rub do however
○■ とりあえず駅を出 歩きます... Temporarily coming out of the station, you walk
○■ Before doing the [tsu] [t e] or the glasses and judgment, do also dqn, however wwwww well it probably is the [bare] [ru], it is the place where also opposite grudge is good
○■ ちなみに建物は同 だったと思い... By the way as for the building you think that it was the same,, a liberal translation
○■ By the way the electromag netic launcher the motorcycle is!, a liberal translation
○■ そんな感じで色々 って口から血... There being a variety with such feeling, while producing the blood from the mouth, the ice eating, it increased
○■ There, also Kurosu's reck less driving being seen, don't you think? something you piled up and oh with while saying, the end [wa] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is it was feeling with Sawayama
○■ そういえば昨日の クセス者数は... So if you said, the number of access of yesterday people was 90, a liberal translation
○■ So, if you say, exactly a lso the higher rank which is not done completely the [dare] [te] when it comes puts out [adopa], tries doing with [adopa] the combining… which
○■ しかし、天王。懐 しいなあ... But, Tenno. The bosom oak it is,
○■ Well, with this you write even with the love letter?
○■ はーい!こんにち !!... - It is! Present [wa]!!
○■ With super electromagneti c launcher of a certain science < electromagnetic launcher > 15th story “skill out”, a liberal translation
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○■ Because also Kurosu is fu nny, we like, but after all we like the beauty koto