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○■ このキャラクター 特に称す... When it is necessary especially to name this character, “the penguin of suica”, or it has made “the penguin” simply
○■ 20:12 from tabtter well Suddenly the [tsu] [po] which swimmer descending/disembarking overlooking is done it is,…Don't you think?, it is drowsy! 20:37 from tabtter omelette craftsman…To enormous 20:54 from tabtter -, [mankin] reviving?…
○■ 殿堂入りブログ一 はこちら... As for palace entering [burogu] summary this, a liberal translation
○■ var so = new sw... var so = new swfobject (rcflash09, 365, 200 and 8, #ffffff); so.addparam (allowscriptaccess and always); so.addparam (wmode and opaque); so.write (rcflash09);
○■ とりあえず早めに 社に行こう... Temporarily, that it is to think whether it probably will go to the company ahead of time, but as for jr the [ro] or the streetcar of the Shizuoka railroad the driving putting off, a liberal translation
○■ suica忘れに気づく ヾ(&... You become aware in the suica forgetting…DREPT (, a liberal translation
○■ 1. Incubator 2. Possessio n good fortune [gero] 3. marieri4. Freezing heaven 5. Fruit 6 of [gurizaia]. Kiyouko Uchida 7. The science 8 of happiness. [arutemisuburu] 9. [miyukomi] 10. Inner part picture. Fragrance 11. Cat 撫 distortion 12. Hiroyasu Kaminoyama 13. Kin noodle 14. Kobayashi happiness blessing 15. Worldwide invasion Los Angeles decisive battle 16. It is painful suica17. The Asami [re] it is, 18. Dunhill 19. The firewood eight soldier Mamoru 20 which is the [ku]. sim lock cancellation, a liberal translation
○■ タグ: 育児 子育 10ヶ... Tag: Childcare parenting 10 month red immediately fair, a liberal translation
○■ とりあえず部屋を めてください... Please warm the room temporarily
○■ “- From carrying-” Th e up-to-date article time of category at the time of the seeing [tsu] pot the [hu] grasp the time, 2011-09- 823: 09: 31 soccer, a liberal translation
○■ ちなみに帰りは新 線に乗りまし... The return rode in the Shinkansen by the way
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