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○■ (Circle in the left) refe rence publication 2009 Okinawa prefecture sc performance 2010 May & December performance 2011 May performance * with assistant clown, a liberal translation
○■ (右上)パントマイ ムで縄跳び... (With respect to the right) with pantomime jumping rope (on in) with pantomime quiz ~ (whole) pantomime show
○■ 昼の立ち会い外バ ケット取引... As for basket transaction outside attending of the noon, with 31 cases as for the amount 239.20 hundred million Yen, [ribaransu] (property distribution adjustment) efp (exchange transaction with the futures and the spot goods) you deduct in the center, the single breadth sale crossing over
○■ ギリシャの国債を 一通貨とい... Don't you think? with the notion that where the Greek government bond is called the identical currency, it seems that bank such as Germany purchases, a liberal translation
○■ 日経平均は、メー プレーヤーで... As for Nikkei average, the foreign investor which is the main player 1st week of September (5 - 9 days) to with recorded 7 week continual sale crossing over, sum total at this time sold and crossed over and amount reached to 1,689,200,000,000 Yen
○■ 8,545.46 Yen Nikkei 8,741 .16 Yen beginning value −98.14 circular 8,643.02 increase in yen value value beginning cheapness value −195.70 circles 12: 55 final value −180.90 circular 8,560.26 Yen gd small hidden lines
○■ 属名のセロシアは リシャ語“燃... The cello shear of group name “burns” Greek, a liberal translation
○■ Don't you think? [arukait sukusumairu] which is seen even in ancient Greek sculpture, somewhere makes foreign atmosphere feel, a liberal translation
○■ ダウ平均は一気に2 40ドル超下... These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
○■ コリントの教会は リシャにあり... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ Sub- state ir Chinese sto cks: Stock market condition headline 2011 September 19th (Monday) 10:26: From part and excerpt + compilation. . 斯 As for international whole term the permission head of 2 extra benefit world Shigeru room area products, 383.9 ten thousand stocks h stocks stock holding ratio of the additional acquisition national welfare silver and the German silver the 5% super joint-financing of plug hd and 2,700,000,000 Hong Kong dollar 4,000,000,000 original subordinate bond issue and medium preservation watch of acquisition peaceful insurance the approval Chinese south car reduce a stocks capital increase scale deeply, in 11,000,000,000 -> 9,000,000,000 origin the oceanic area product the parent company group and joint venture, coal sale of commercial real estate project God bloom talent source, as for August buys returning/repeating star international and the Greek treasure ornament item brand stocks to 22% increase in Beijing city, increasing Identical group contract of possession stocks such as cow person of the Meng cow founder cancellation steel industry enters adjustment period of several years, = un cancer/gun parent meeting %
○■ ☆ 〜『麦わら帽子 は冬に買え』... * - 'To the winter buy the wheat straw hat' -*
○■ .: The ☆ny stock market receiving the decision of fomc, substantial is cheap with the material being emptied out
○■ 17時37分現在 外為相場は... 17:37 presently, because of outside, as for quotation European high development
○■ 今年最後のゴーヤ 音楽会に行... This year it went to last [goya] concert
○■ The [hansen] exponent whi ch consists of principal 46 brands did the front Hibi 616.35 point (the 3.08%) the h stocks exponent which consists of cheaply the 19399.92 points and the mainland enterprise stocks 441.08 points (the 4.12%) cheaply the 10277.38 points and further decline, a liberal translation
○■ ちょっと遅れまし が、先週、... Just a little it was late, but last week, Friday common usage, it is the breakfast at the company
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