- As for March end rain, a liberal translation
http://wadagoo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/3-94ad.html As for this, [washi] of yesterday Quanto para a isto, [washi] de ontem
- Early flowering weeping cherry tree round ♪
http://kyoto-albumwalking2.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-a54b.html As for this flattering turtle of thousand these explanation/releasing 迦 halls (pot) cherry tree Como para esta tartaruga lisonjeiramente de mil este explanação/liberação da árvore de cereja dos salões do 迦 (potenciômetro)
- Kahuu rival (棲 house of three ends of 其)
http://harada-iory.cocolog-nifty.com/seikoudoku/2011/09/post-4b26.html This is the condition which I list first, a liberal translation Esta é a circunstância que eu alisto primeiramente
- Well - - weeping form the [a] which does not bloom!!
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/vivagatti/61202347.html As for this, the coral reef of seven village east (the Calais house) it is before,… the wood of the palm? Quanto para a este, o recife coral da vila sete do leste (a casa de Calais) está antes,… a madeira da palma?
Yoshino Cherry, japanese culture, Nature,