- Because at 12 day judicial affairs bureau the seal proof exemplified copy of the register book took in 3 minutes, to the Osaka castle. Looking at the wood of standard of [someiyoshino], you are deeply impressed., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nichikon1/e/0c9352d70796de9a16347620a6a4dd3a And, with bicycle to open space of castle tower, a liberal translation И, с велосипедом к открытому пространству башни замока
- You go cycling to 4/4 Kata chestnut native habitat
http://takacci.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/44-25f9.html Because and, still fully there is a time, we had decided to try turning to in addition to Потому что и, все еще полно время, мы решил попробовать повернуть к в дополнение к
- Hanami 2012, a liberal translation
http://it-optik.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/2012-81f7.html If and, you mention the cherry tree, the plover the deep water Если и, вы упоминаете вал вишни, plover глубоководье
- Our family which faces to New Year, a liberal translation
http://hikarision.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-d9d1.html And, as for the branch and the like which the storm of the spring drops, it means to be used as the material of the nest making И, как для ветви и подобия которое шторм весны падает, он значит быть использованным как материал делать гнездя
- 5/5 Akita cherry tree round
http://usagi-to-utuwa.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-16d5.html If and you mention the Akita cherry tree, to the Kakunodate samurai residence of promise Если и вы упомяните вал вишни Акита, то к резиденции самураев Kakunodate посыла
- nihondancer
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Yoshino Cherry, japanese culture, Nature,