- Apricot agar/[mamizu] (Taninaka), a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/aroy123168/62360356.html 'Apricot agar/[mamizu] (Taninaka)', a liberal translation «Агар абрикоса [mamizu] (Taninaka)»
- Black tea
http://sweettown.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/02/post-67e4.html 'This, clean?', a liberal translation «Это, очищает?»
- Color and cutting model
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ichigo41chan/64472380.html 'How long such a it is [ji] [ya] passing, it does not grow,', a liberal translation «Сколько времени такое оно [ji] [ya] проходящ, оно не растет,»
- Изыскивающ товарища, зима ♪ [vuajiyon] (10/12/29)
http://suraimu9.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/101229-733b.html 'The dust [me] it is the meat pasta of the [ji] [yu]', a liberal translation «Пыль [я] это макаронные изделия мяса [ji] [yu]»
- Japanese talking
http://chocobatblog.seesaa.net/article/155837345.html ''Apricot jam' of [materune]' food… '' Jam абрикоса [materune] 'еды…
Apricot, Cooking,