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○■ ショウリュウムー も調教s評価... shouryuumu^n mo choukyou s hyouka de guai ha yosa soudesuga �� o^kusu to kui^n s de uragira retanode ������ in no kataha ���� apapane �� apurikottofizu ���� animeitobaio ���� wairudorazuberi^ chuu �� e^shinrita^nzu nishitemimashou
○■ この馬を、某社の 者がpogで... The reporter of the certain corporation having designated this horse, with pog, “[kiyun], [tei] and [a] -!”With you remember that you shouted, a liberal translation
○■ アパパネとリター ズの2頭は決... However it had decided, the rear 1 heads being surprised to 20 of problem [animeitobaio], being perplexed, [nemoshin] being visible well with the paddock, it decided, 2 heads of [apapane] and [ritanzu]… inserting also [ouken], don't you think? if it should have made 4 heads
○■ 2歳牝馬の頂点に ったのは関... Don't you think? the fact that it stands in apex of 2 year old mares was [apapane] of the Kanto horse
○■ This week, this year it d epends on 2 year old horses of debut, “Osaka and Kobe [jiyubenairuhuirizu] (gⅰ)” Is done the Osaka and Kobe race track lawn 1600m in the stage, a liberal translation
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