- Being the [me] [tsu] [chi] [ya] cold, the shank??????
http://k24fn2lw0v.seesaa.net/article/138425065.html There was the telephone from the Takefuji Corporation person in charge and this was present optional rearrangement Был телефон от персоны Takefuji Корпорации в обязанности и это присутствовало опционным перераспределением
- Today [hanawa]?? [naitsu]? … Well from Eniwa with search
http://takaraseizusi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/10/post-8282.html Takefuji Corporation [mariya] and Yamashita it stands, probably will be?? Takefuji Корпорация [mariya] и Yamashita оно стоит, вероятно будут??
- Origin Part2 of company (enterprise) name
http://tsuri-ten.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/part-2-44d3.html You entrust one letter taking and the thinking to business to Mt. Fuji from surname of the Takei Mamoru male of the Takefuji Corporation = founder, attach Fuji and are designated Вы возлагаете одно письмо принимая и думая к делу к Mt. Fuji от фамилии мужчины Takei Mamoru Takefuji Корпорации = основателя, прикрепляете Fuji и обозначены
Takefuji Corporation, Reportage, Business,