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○■ ファーストリテイ ング
○■ recommendation , suggest ions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ 日経平均自体は昨 までコメン... nikkeiheikin jitai ha kinou made komento shita toori �� saikin no neagari de touraku reshio 25 �� 122.11 �� saikorojikarurain �� 75 �� to takane keikai zo^n niari �� mesaki ittan nesage risuru kanousei wo motte imasu
○■ shanhai �⣳��� ����������ܣ���������
○■ ファーストリテイ ングは17... fa^sutoriteiringu ha �������� enyasu no ���������� en de shuuryou shi �� nikkeiheikin wo ���� en teido hikisage mashita
○■ nasudakku ha �ܣ� ����� no �������������� de shuuryou shimashita
○■ キャビンがファー トリテイリ... kyabin ga fa^sutoriteiringu no kanzen kogaisha ninatte 3 nen
○■ shikashi kokumin no � � nin ni �� nin hasudeni netto wo riyou shiteiru
○■ appleのiphone 3... It o ffers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
○■ カラーバリエーシ ンも幅広... kara^barie^shon mo habahiroku �� masani �� yunikuro �� muki
○■ 個別銘柄では好決 だったファー... With individual brand [huasutoriteiringu] which is good balancing of accounts rises
○■ 5% decrease existing stor e gross sales, spring perhaps the story of the thing sale uni- clo February, in cold it continues to become for a while matter of concern,
○■ ユニクロの成功を ていると、ニ... yunikuro no seikou wo mite iruto �� nippon ha �� burando naki shinryakusha �� ni osowa reteiru kiga surundesu
○■ 2010 nen 4 gatsu 3 nichi �� tsuchi �� o hanami nichi yori
○■ 9983.ファーストリ イリン... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ To learn more, ask blogg ers to link to.
○■ 後場はこの日の高 を付ける場... goba hakono nichi no takane wo tsukeru bamen moarimashitaga �� shuumatsu wo hikae ta te jimai uri de ��
○■ These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ 日経平均は前場に い一巡後伸び... nikkeiheikin ha zenba ni kai ichijun nochi nobinayan daga �� goba ha yori tsuki chokugo kara agehaba wo kakudai shita
○■ yunikuro no fa^sutorite iringu ga tenkai suru
○■ カジュアルウエア ユニクロ」を... It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ yaa minasan �� konn ichiha shiro kitsune desu
○■ 1位 (株)みずほフィ ナンシャ... 1 rank (Inc.) you do not see, [ho] financial group 1.69% 8411 178,535,008 stocks 2 rank (Inc.) the Japan Air Lines Co., Ltd. -11.84% 9205 161,364,000 stocks 3 rank (Inc.) Mitsubishi ufj financial group 0.42% 8306 128,979,904 stocks 4 rank Matsuda (Inc.) 7.44% 7261 103,116,000 stocks 5 rank (Inc.) Toshiba 3.46% 6502 77,719,000 stocks 6 rank Nomura [horudeingusu] (Inc.) 1.90% 8604 52,730,100 stocks 7 rank (Inc.) the Hitachi, Ltd. 1.40% 6501 47,739,000 stocks 8 rank Mitsubishi automobiles (Inc.) 3.03% 7211 42,628,000 stocks 9 rank Nippon Yusen K.k. (Inc.) 1.53% 9101 41,557,000 stocks 10 rank Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Inc.) 4.11% 7011 35,624,000 stocks 11 rank new Japan make 鐵 (Inc. ) -1.05% 5401 35,575,000 stocks 12 rank NEC 0.41% 6701 34,994,000 stocks 13 rank chairs HKDRT automobile (Inc.) 9.09% 7202 34,709,000 stocks 14 rank (Inc.) Mitsui Sumitomo financial group -0.68% 8316 26,782,100 stocks 15 rank Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. (Inc.) 0.38% 5405 26,103,000 stocks 16 rank (Inc.) merchant ship Mitsui 1.98% 9104 24,373,000 stocks 17 rank Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (Inc.) 2.15% 7201 22,331,400 stocks 18 rank Sanyo Electric (Inc.) 1.78% 6764 22,164,000 stocks 19 rank (Inc.) the Meidensha Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd. 0.21% 6508 21,800,000 stocks 20 rank Mitsui chemistry (Inc.) -0.38% 4183 21,372,000 stocks, a liberal translation
○■ As for uni- clo February 5% decrease existing store gross sales, [huasutoriteiringu] which spring develops thing sale casual clothing “uni- clo” in cold 2 days as for the existing store gross sales of the uni- clo which is announced, became the same month of last year ratio 5% decrease and became with 0 after _ mosquito months
○■ ユニクロ(国内) 、2009... Uni- clo (the country), 2009 October, it is the case that it could sell inner wear “heat TEX” of the Advanced Capability material explosively, but there is a background that, to pull the existing store gross sales against the previous year of degree of October largely,
○■ [deitore] l complete victory
○■ 今週の読売コラム 、楽天や... While internationalization advances quickly concerning the movement of English official conversion inside the company optimism and [huasutoriteiringu] etc which develops uni- clo advance, when it is desirable thing, you wrote this week Yomiuri column,
○■ 2011 February 10th, perio d of December of 10 the balancing of accounts of gaba which manages the English conversation school were announced, as for the operating profit prospect it was found that it becomes against the previous year 26.8% increase,
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