- Oaks hit!
http://ameblo.jp/cocoawanko/entry-10900422195.html [maruserina] to bulletin board, a liberal translation [maruserina] au tableau d'affichage
- * Hit betting ticket and pond attachment of this day*
http://ameblo.jp/puru1225/entry-10899710318.html Unless [maruserina] comes, because how viewing you applied À moins que [maruserina] vienne, parce que comment le visionnement de vous s'est appliqué
- Oaks result, a liberal translation
http://grane.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-ea8e.html [maruserina] and [hoerukiyapuchiya], the position taking in the road passes rear after all and is high -? [maruserina] et [hoerukiyapuchiya], la position rentrant la route passe l'arrière après tous et est haute - ?
- Tokai S◎ birdie birdie!!
http://ameblo.jp/mituwos/entry-10899296573.html It comes even in the Derby and plate [gi] prize comes, don't you think?!
Because the betting ticket [maruserina] & [hoerukiyapuchiya] is good, difficult! The betting ticket it is unskillful! Whether basically by mistake the [ru], (laughing) Il vient même dans le Derby et le prix de plat [gi] vient, vous ne pensent pas ? !
Puisque le billet de pari [maruserina] et [hoerukiyapuchiya] est bon, difficile ! Le billet de pari il est inhabilement ! Si fondamentalement par l'erreur [RU], (riant)
Erin Court, Gamble,