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○■ 「戦国無双3」島 近の章クリ... “The Warring States hit and miss 3” it is island Sakon's chapter clearing
○■ ②Did not accumulate wit h the shank [e] ^^ <1> Kiyomasa protects why this fight of Komaki Nagakute fight in name lines successive appearance. Hanzou who enters to the stronghold via the road of enduring
○■ pspを買いましたよ 今さ... psp was bought! After so long a time! After so long a time!
○■ 自分を信じて、自 のペースを... You believing by your, you will keep making your own pace
○■ Of course, it is also the charm of this software to be large perhaps, but sell the sale day which is piled up with the muscle work the margin which is rubbed it had an influence on better one,
○■ でも、途中でバイ イじゃなく... So, bi- bi- it is not midway and the [te], returns to the same house when we would like to let escape, it is
○■ Until Warring States hit and miss 3 this tog wii is bought similarly, you do not buy, but…You do not inquire about remainder good reputation, it is, don't you think?
○■ ニンテンドー3d の発売日であ... In this day which is sale day of [nintendo] 3ds my psp returned with repair, a liberal translation
○■ Temporarily after 魏 ext ending [kiyaradeza] [kiyaradeza] of the 寧 coming out sweetly, whether you will decide with your own tension also, thinking, it increases, a liberal translation
○■ ちなみにこの後ア トで新台抽選... By the way, new stand pulling out selection it received with [a] ○ [to] after this, but…, a liberal translation
○■ After today being sold, t he [a] which cm of the Warring States hit and miss 3 you saw for the first time so you think well funny, but is, because with wii… the substance does not have, also the fact that it is, you cannot buy, but is, if it puts out with ps3, you buy not to be wrong but is, when official approval gets near, always it is this it is, when… this time it falls, already it receives the stopping [yo, a liberal translation
○■ 『戦国無双3』と 動!「mi... 'It is linked with the Warring States hit and miss 3'! With the enjoyment which spreads “mix joy”! If it combines with previous production 'Warring States hit and miss 3', 'the story of the Warring States hit and miss 3' and it is possible even with' 'the Warring States hit and miss 3 super military officer transmission to play stage,, a liberal translation
○■ ゲームマニアでは い相手に、... Conveying just game title to the partner who is not the game maniac, simply, you do not understand and
○■ But the hand of the fire rises to the Kotani castle, also the soldiers are invaded in the Oda troop, it is before the fall sun/size
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