- - The darkness which is on the back of 20mSv which is pushed to the Fukushima saw…
http://eigaku.cocolog-nifty.com/nikki3/2011/06/20msv-475a.html The radioactivity which is discharged in Chernobyl not only the people who utilize the atomic energy, completely did not utilize the atomic energy, fell even on the people who completely do not have responsibility without pardon Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- From Fukushima nuclear accident and details of thing [chierunobuiri] nuclear accident medical support of children -
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/sybhc579/61099641.html In Chernobyl, 25 years, you cannot live the person even now when it passes, a liberal translation Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- Fukushima 1 - In 3 machine “melting penetration” IAEA Government Report/nuclear accident report gist
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/midorinet002/e/df8d5774740f92a5ee30aca73de4d56b Because as for the Chernobyl heart, while being born, because with the child who is the grave deformity in the heart, the hole is not one (the deformity is not one, shunt happening, it does not become stillbirth, if in other words the [ho] it is in the grave deformity, immediately it dies being the lung hypertension securely, is but living, it is the thing of the children who, are born very it seems Потому что как для сердца Chernobyl, пока носил, потому что с ребенком который тягчайшее уродство в сердце, отверстие нет одного (уродство нет одного, шунт случаясь, оно не будет мертворождением, если иначе говоря [ho] оно в тягчайшем уродстве, то немедленно оно умирает быть гипертензией легкя безопасно, но живущ, вещь детей которые, рождены очень оно кажутся
- As for helping the Japanese of the cliff [tsu] [pu] [chi]? As for truth the [ze] which 3 years later will have a match 5 years later!, a liberal translation
http://tacchy-al.cocolog-nifty.com/tacchyal/2011/05/post-42bb.html The Chernobyl accident, three mile even in accident, as for that actual proof being completed Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- Please input the title of the article (necessity)
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ecomoney/e/8d0b2a6ee04b6bbda9c4b86e16876fb6 With the sight of the Chernobyl nuclear plant, the advanced nation which begins thing and Japan where first it has been overturned, you hear the story of the patsy on of the site where you have participated to the restoration job “of the sarcophagus”, 22 years of after the accident elapse and still, job for security continues the Chernobyl nuclear plant every year on the basis of agreement technical thing and these efforts which do economic support eternal must be continued with g8 summit the fact that among other things was recognized again Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
Internal exposure, Reportage,