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○■ Rear [dowango], ccc and t he like you called and it was the movement, but the Imai [chi] rhythm without grasping, the fact that it does not promise was the majority
○■ [niwango] (Tokyo center, President Seizi Sugimoto) of the official channel establishment [dowango] subsidiary company “of beetv” on the 2nd, in animated picture contribution sight “happy animated picture” of the same company, for the portable telephone of ntt [dokomo] established the official channel of pay animated picture sight “beetv” in [niwango] and [niko] animated picture
○■ As for the hand side batt en not being understood whether the number of animated pictures which have risen to happy animated picture becoming already 4,200,000, or more that the search result is inscribed in one line, inconvenient thing applying how many for users, making and?
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