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○■ kokoha kankouchi de shi re ta �� ebino kougen �� no mein michi no iriguchi niari �� yuu mizu wo riyou shita ooki na ike waki ni suukasho no koi �� masu ryouri no mise gaari �� suisan shikenjou moaru
○■ あのドゥルンとし 感じが嫌!... ano dourun toshita kanji ga iya �� kakifurai �� nabe ni itsutte ru kaki �� nado kanetsu shitearunoha heiki
○■ きのこの茎の先端 白い殻が残... kinokono kuki no sentan ni shiroi kara ga nokori masu
○■ マイキャディには ルファー... maikyadei niha gorufa^ nitotte sankou ninaru
○■ まったり茶でも飲 ながら、... Waiting and/or drinking even with brown while, with although you think, you played and the [tsu] [te] which is sown you put away, with special care coffee cooled down
○■ この日も大勢のお さまで賑わ... Also this day had been crowded with the customer of the multitude
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