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○■ 今日は「日本最低 温の日」であ... Today is “day of the Japanese minimum air temperature”, a liberal translation
○■ In present dramatic color = white salmon pink, direction = north north. It is easy to stop at the essential place, south southwest favorableness and food = mutton Calais
○■ デザート:ottoはブ ランマン... Dessert: As for otto the kana which is [buranmanjie
○■ というわけで無事 リスマスイベ... With being the case that it is said, it ends also the safe Christmas event and… with thinks and starts and,, a liberal translation
○■ そうそう、近くに ヘリコプター... So so, there is also a helicopter in the vicinity
○■ But, there is a strange f eeling in the sweet source where the other seat companion is not accustomed to eating to seem, as for not starting excessively, rejoicing and eating my one person, a liberal translation
○■ ご飯も多めなので 二通りの食べ... Because also the boiled rice is overplentiful, it can enjoy the how to eat the two kinds freely, a liberal translation
○■ But as for this some cook ing what which perhaps used the salmon becoming drunk turning from around this, to tell the truth almost there is no memory ([tohoho])
○■ この日は先調子の 鳴840で挑... You challenge this day in thunder 840 of tip condition, a liberal translation
○■ 【干支暦2011年11月1 2日... This year, western calendar 2011 2011 harshly 卯 seven red Venus this month, eight clay star today than the paragraph of the November oneself boar stand winter, 12 day Saturday it is harsh not yet friend pulling eight clay star old calendar October 17th, a liberal translation
○■ 今日のお昼は、近 の開店寿司で... Your present noon was the opening of shop sushi of neighborhood, a liberal translation
○■ Heaven and earth non type zero study six stars << The oriental view of history positive and negative principles five line fortune-telling >>, a liberal translation
○■ ☆ 辛 ☆
庚・辛は 行の金に... * It is harsh * 庚 Harshly as for the corresponding gold with five normalcy with justice color with white direction at west season fall it is harsh of four seasons in the gold of five lines with the natural world the jewel
○■ 秋らしい素朴なテ ブルセッテ... It was the simple table setting which fall seems and the lunch which used the material of the fall -
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