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○■ 「海外各地:旅行 の食事・レ... “Overseas every place: Main eating out compilation 1 of main [suitsu] compilation 12,011 Kasuga of main eating out compilation 22,011 Kasuga of main [suitsu] compilation 22,011 Kasuga of the traveling 2011 gift compilation 2011 Kasuga of up-to-date article Canada of the meal restaurant information” category which is in the midst of travelling, a liberal translation
○■ With up-to-date article K orakuen [rakua] “of outside boiled rice” category petite resort feeling - with woman full enjoyment meeting
○■ タグ: ua ファ ストクラ... Tag: ua first-class inside of a plane food, a liberal translation
○■ The lime Chilean source o f the salmon, it is the kind of memory which is [tsu] [te] name, but also the fragrance of the lime Chile is harsh, heavily it was the source which is not felt excessively, a liberal translation
○■ ちょっとでも早く りたい気持... From the feeling which even just a little would like to return quickly, a liberal translation
○■ By the way mother and [ta ku] removed from the oven, eating the chicken and the potato of [tsu] temporary [atsuatsu], [toni] also the remainder of yesterday it is eating the salmon, increased with [ru] side
○■ さて本日のお弁当 コチラです... Well the lunch of this day is [kochira
○■ 「雑談」カテゴリ 最新記事... Up-to-date article yesterday “of chat” category, at the office the cute lunch ♪ stationery you see and therefore -… you do not see and the [tsu] come and - come the place
○■ “Your up-to-date articl e present lunch present lunch present lunch present lunch present lunch of present lunch” category, a liberal translation
○■ 「おとなの週末」 いう雑誌が... There is a magazine, “weekend of the adult”, a liberal translation
○■ 今日ローソンで受 取ってき... It received with present Lawson, a liberal translation
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